List of LGBTQIA+ Wikimedians
(Redirected from LGBT Wikimedians)
See also: Wikimedia LGBT+
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, and other sexual/gender-minority Wikimedians.
(en) English-speaking
[edit]- [US], [GB], [AU], [NZ], [ZA] many countries
- 10000_GeV Confused bisexual teenager musician poet; Boulder, CO.
- Admrboltz gay, hetro-phobic
- Adam Williamson (I bite. we're somewhat down on the statistics, though. Hmm :))
- Adrian I'm lots of things, but straight isn't one of them.
- AirOdyssey gay
- AlexR trannyfag
- Alison9 queerly bi
- AmethystAngel (bisexual)
- Amy at Wikimedia Community Ireland (bi and non-binary)
- Animated Cascade homoflexible male (well, mostly)
- AntonioMartin (bi,bi,bi)
- Arcuras (bi guy)
- Autiger (mildly prefer gay to queer)
- AvestanHamster (gay)
- AxelGreaser (Queer FtM)
- Axon
- ℬastique▼ – Bilingual from Fort Lauderdale
- Batshua bi-sensual asexual
- BCorr ¤ Брайен (bi)
- Bearcat
- Ben Arnold, a sexy gay man from New Zealand (is that NPoV?)
- Blitzkid196 (bi and transgender)
- Bluegreen femme lesbian, a bit bi, with a trans history
- bpt
- Brad Johnson
- Branddobbe (bi; I never really liked the word "queer", because in my mind it still means "weird" and it strikes me as extremely negative, but whatever)
- BrunUQÀM (sarcastic gay studying and living in Montreal, Canada)
- Can't sleep, clown will eat me
- w:en:User:Caponer (gay Appalachian)
- CeltMDC (activist, student, and proud to be queer)
- C’est Logique
- Christopher Barnes
- Chesaguy
- Chris K. Young (bi, from Auckland, New Zealand)
- Cokie500
- Constafrequent (identifies as bisexual)
- Conti (gender shouldn't matter when you love someone)
- Craigy – queer to the core and proud!
- Charron – transsexual, sorta bisexual
- Daĉjo Italian and English speakin
- Dan Simon
- Danny (guess I'm in too)
- Darkcore
- David
- David4286 gay, 17, from Rochester, MN
- David Merrill (Okay, count me in!)
- David Y (bi)
- Davodd (同性愛)
- Dave
- DerFussi
- Dorgan
- DiamondKesawn (Gay Male, Editor In Chief or Raynbow Affair Magazine)
- Dr Adam Carr long-time gay journalist in another life See my homepage
- Dysprosia (Ich bin eine Lesbe)
- Etoile queer lesbian
- Evil leafy lover shameless self promotion... @dolichopteroide on twitter. straight at day, lesbian at night.
- Evolauxia bi/queer male
- FCYTravis – is this where the recruitment cabal meets?
- figure4 Middle-aged Gay man; alas, am inescapably (and very out-of-style) effeminate
- Fluffball70 British & Very, very Lesbian
- rollingbarrels some bi weirdo...
- Francis
- Francs2000 (gay male, but don't tell my husband...)
- Funky Monkey
- Ganymead
- w:en:User:gaynewyorker (queer, homosexual, gay, the whole nine yards, middle-aged Gay New Yorker)
- Ghostfettuccine promoting the gay agenda? ...i don't even HAVE a genda!
- GilliamJF (gay/schwul)
- Gro-Tsen
- Guanaco (every homophobic and biphobic slogan you can think of)
- Guy M (Las Vegas, Nv. – Gay/Homosexual/Homo-emotional, not queer)
- Hadal
- w:nl:Gebruiker:Henna Some as of yet undefined non-straight thing
- HotMess transfem, queer, and pretty darn gay
- Hsin Pai
- Hyacinth (queer, and gay)
- Imjustthere (I honestly don't even know anymore, probably bi, probably gay, either way I'm in the community)
- Iothiania (lesbian; I prefer the term queer as I'm a weirdo...)
- Jamesofur
- James (Jim) Steakley
- Jeru
- Jesse Liberty bisexual, queer
- Joe D
- John Pisello
- Jonathan Moore (gay in Idaho. frightening...)
- Josve05a (en, sv; Jonatan Svensson Glad – gay, 27 yrs)
- Jredmond
- PaulO
- kaiti (bi)
- Kim 金 (Home alone, right in the middle of Jesse Helms land.)
- Kira Josie Murphy (I'm a bisexual transgender female)
- Kimiko (lesbian)
- KrisW6
- Larrybob queer male interested in zines, music, and writing.
- Lauryn Ashby (trans woman)
- Lir
- Lockeownzj00
- Lovely_Chris
- LuGusDeclanBibaElodieBarnaby (trans enby AMAB demigirl)
- Lyo
- Maccoinnich
- Magicalsushi
- Mark (I guess I should add myself here as well.)
- Mark Dominus
- Marnanel/Marnanel
- mattbuck (pansexual, possibly polyamorous)
- Matty Dean (Gay and Proud in Moscow, Russian Federation)
- mav (although I prefer the term gay to queer. But I do understand that some think "queer" is somehow more inclusive; so here is my handle)
- Melecie (enwiki) non-binary, any pronouns
- Methylsoy
- MikeX (rampantly homosexual)
- Mike.lifeguard
- ミラP (a "he" (not a she or they) but not necessarily male - don't know what they call it, but it's technically an LGBTQIA+ identity)
- Moncrief (I dislike the term "queer" and much prefer "gay").
- Montrealais (gay/queer boy, genderqueer, allosexuel)
- Morven
- Morwen (just another transdyke)
- M.O.X bisexual
- MSTCrow (Although being gay in and of itself isn't any mark of distinction; most gay people aren't at all like myself, for instance.)
- N7fty agender, asexual, polyamorous
- n8chz (guess I'm out too)
- Nacerak homo
- Neptunekh I'm Bicurious
- Nesi (bi, from Croatia)
- NickBurns big, grumpy, silly, chubby gay guy in the Midwest US.
- Nicole Sharp (talk) 18:40, 22 September 2023 (UTC)
- Node ue Gay.
- nohat
- notquiteauden (the gayest, darlings)
- ntg (not gay, just a girl who crushes on girls ^_^)
- Optim (asexual)
- OwenBlacker (gay guy in London, GB who doesn't really care what word you use ;o)
- Paige (although I prefer the term Paige to Queer, I'm the T in LGBT...and perhaps one or two of those other letters as well)
- Phroziac (bisexual mtf transsexual)
- Prodraxis Aroace and proud.
- PZFUN (gay, New Yorker, Dane, lingophile photograher)
- RachelWex queer Jew living in St. Cloud, Minnesota--always up for an LGBT editathon! :)
- Rainmonger gay man from Raleigh, NC
- Redfarmer (24 year old gay man from Louisville, Kentucky.)
- Rockhopper10r Gay man
- roux (guy who likes guys)
- Ross Burgess
- Salvo queer! frocio!
- SamanthaNguyen transgender
- SD6-Agent bisexual
- w:en:User:Mistress Selina Kyle evil bi bitch, yayness...
- sfmontyo
- Shujenchang (gay)
- SilverThorn, a lesbian who says she's gay, and lives in Washington
- Sonjaaa queer girl
- Sourendra Kumar Das – LGBTI Activist, Journalist, Fashion Blogger, Photographer.
- Spinboy gay
- Sputnik gay, from Toronto, and the word queer makes me mad. And don't even get me started on 'faggot'.
- Srcastic gay – New York
- Ste Carlson
- Steve Magruder multidimensional (including gay), Louisville, KY
- Tb
- Amy The Crafty Cailleach
- TheCustomOfLife I'd be lying if I said that the word "queer" didn't piss me off, even just a little.
- The lesbian (um, yeah. Though generally I prefer queer.)
- tfore
- Thsmi002: gay
- Tlogmer/Ben Yates (bi)
- Toby Bartels (bi)
- Tom Radulovich
- Tony Kao queer guy in markham, ontario
- Toucan6 Bisexual
- Trey Harris
- Theodoranian
- UtherSRG: trans-bi poly male: I like gals & guys, but prefer trans.
- VampWillow – Bi-but-mostly-lesbian, poly, former activist!
- Varnent
- Vegie: (China, Gay)
- VladMV, male-whatever-you-call-it, gay, queer or homo.
- voyager640 ("We're here, we're queer, and we're on a wiki!"
- Vystrix Nexoth (bi)
- William A. Percy, III (The only thing worse than being flamed is not being flamed!)
- Wing
- Wiki-Coffee: A gay lawyer. Get the laughter out of you!
- Wyatt lang gay
- Yacht: gay
- Zidane2k1 (bi)
- Zippanova (bi male, Calgary, Alberta)
- Zoe R (bisexual transgirl activist)
- Zoid-Chan (bi and non-binary)
(fr) French-speaking
[edit]- [FR] France, [BE] Belgium (Wallony, Bruxelles), [CA] Canada (Quebec...), [CH] Switzerland (Suisse Romande), [LU] Luxembourg, North-Western Africa, Central Africa...
- daniela Montebello, Transgenre, BDSM et fière de l'être, Montmartre, Paris, France.
- freelancer we're here, we're queer and we're gonna save the world
- Ganymede44 Gay from Brittany (Breizh/Bretagne)
- Goldensun, Gay Français Paris 25 ans
- Merc&Dyo, just like men …
- Florent (gay, 31, Paris)
- Nicolas Frenchy gay :)
- onze gay français 25a habitant l'atopiasphere(.net)
- Robin Hood Gai, québécois et francophone
- Rsmaika in Strasbourg & Berlin !
- Solveig Don't care if people that attract me are men or women... working on my women gender to destroy it, anyway.
- Thibault Guicherd-Callin en banlieue de w:fr:San Jose dans la w:fr:Silicon Valley
- Thibault (gay, 18, Bordeaux (France))
- Tryphon (gay, 44, Paris (France))
- Vincent Ramos, neither gay nor queer, just « homosexuel », en français, bien sûr. Mon compagnon est là.
- Thibaut gay, 19 , Nancy
- Idrere Paris
- Grandevampire Paris
- Nattes à chat Geneva
- Michael David MILLER Montréal, Québec
(pt) Portuguese-speaking
[edit]- [PT] Portugal, [CV] Cape Verde, [BR] Brasil...
- Isabelle 🔔 (non-binary, pansexual)
- Guilherme Altmayer (gay)
(es) Spanish-speaking
[edit]- [ES] Spain, Latin America ([PY] Paraguay, [UY] Uruguay, [AR] Argentina, [CL], Chile, [CO] Colombia, [PE] Peru, [VE] Venezuela, [HN] Honduras, [CU] Cuba, [MX] Mexico, …), [US] United States...
- Freddy eduardo – (gay, Ecuador, LGBTI activist)
- MiguelAlanCS – (gay, Peru/Spain)
- Nacaru - (bisexual, France/Spain)
- LuisCG11 – (gay, Chile)
- JOAN – (bisexual, Colombia)
- Amílcar – (bisexual, Chile)
(nl) Dutch-speaking
[edit]- [NL] Netherlands, [BE] Belgium (Flanders, Bruxelles)...
(sq) Albanian-speaking
[edit]- [SQ] Albania
- Kristina Millona queer and human rights journalist for LGBTIQ+
(ga) Irish-speaking
[edit](de) German-speaking
[edit]- [DE] Germany, [AT] Austria, [LI] Liechtenstein, [CH] Switzerland...
(it) Italian-speaking
[edit]- (it) Per gli interessati, è attivo sulla Wikipedia in lingua italiana anche un Progetto LGBT.
- (en) An homosexuality dedicated project is available on it.wikipedia.
- [IT] Italy, [CH] Switzerland...
- Alecto- Gay rapper
- Daĉjo ecco qua anche me
- Dedda71 ora arriviamo anche noi donne.... :o)
- Deed Presente!
- Dream Indigo
- emysimo
- Fiaschi Non faccio grosse distinzioni ;)
- Filip88 Dalla Polonia con amore ^^
- FireMan
- Gabriele Deulofleu
- Gatto Nero (Non più l'unico italiano nella lista. Uff, mi togliete tutte le soddisfazioni :D)
- Giac.omo Beh, ci sono anch'io :)
- Giovanni Dall'Orto Gatto nero non sei più solo :-)
- Gobbler
- Irish Dragon Lesbica e ben presente sul web :P
- L736E
- Lipschitz
- Nemo
- Paginazero no pride, no shame ;o)
- Rockher
- Salvo un altro frocio
- Semolo75 ci sono pure io
- Stefano Bolognini Stiamo arrivando :-)
- SuperCz1
- Syrio pronti! :)
- Tycooko Attivista gay e curatore di Queer World
- utonto, formerly jhc (ftm & gay: très queer)
- voron slavo-queer :)
- Whitewolf Oh, yeah, allora non sono solo. :-)
- WinstonSmith Ma guarda quanti insospettabili :D
(ro) Romanian-speaking
[edit]- [RO] Romania
(vi) Vietnamese
[edit]- [VN] Vietnam...
(sr) Serbian-speaking
[edit]- [SR] Serbia, [BA] Bosnia & Herzegovina...
(sv) Swedish-speaking
[edit]- [SE] Sweden...
- Josve05a (en, sv; Jonatan Svensson Glad – gay, 27 yrs)
(bg) Bulgarian-speaking
[edit]- [BG] Bulgaria
(uk) Ukrainian-speaking
[edit]- [UA] Ukraine
(ru) Russian-speaking
[edit]- [RU] Russia, …
- YLSS (en), (ru) (и какого хрена больше никто не отписался?)
- Gerarus (en), (ru) Hey / Эгегей!
- Я счастлив что я гей (-: --Keete 37 (Farid Aliev) (talk) 16:36, 24 September 2019 (UTC)
- Xena the Rebel Girl – queer woman, polysexual, feminist.
(tr) Turkish-speaking
[edit]- [TR] Turkey, …
- Nebeviye (im definitely bisexual, 22, Ankara)
- Lubunya Twink Turkish gay :)
- Mutlu3
- Şeb Vikipedi için buradayız, çalıyoruz :)
[IL] Israel
[edit]- (he)
- (he) (en)
- (ar)
[IN] India, [BD] Bangladesh
[edit]- (en)
- Sourendra Kumar Das – LGBTI Activist, Journalist, Fashion Blogger, Photographer.
- (hi)
- Saurmandal (aroace bro working on Hindi localisation)
- (mr)
- QueerEcofeminist (schizophrenic!)...
[TH] Thailand
[edit]- (th) Thai...
[ID] Indonesia
[edit]- (id) Bahasa Indonesia...
[PH] Philippines
[edit]- (eng-ph) Ingles
- (es-ph) Español Filipino
- Malipáyon (él/ella/elle)
- (fil)/(tgl) Wikang Filipino/Tagalog
- (ceb) Sinugbuano'ng Binisayâ
- (ilo) Ilokano
- (hil) Hiligaynon/Inilonggo
- (bcl) Bikol Sentral
- (war) Winaray/Waray-waray
- (pam) Kapampangan
- (pag) Pangasinan
- (cbk) Chabacano [Cavite, Ternate, Zamboanga]
- (mdh) Magindanawn
- (mrw) Mëranaw
- (tsg) Tausūg
(ja) Japanese-speaking
[edit]- [JP] Japan
(ko) Korean-speaking
[edit]- [KR] South Korea...
(zh) Chinese-speaking
[edit]- [CN] China + [MO] Macau SAR + [HK] Hong Kong SAR, [TW] Taiwan, [SG] Singapore...
- Shujenchang (gay)
- Kittycatttmattt (aroace)
(sh) Bosnian-Montenegrin-Serbian-Croatian-language-spectrum-speaking
[edit][BA] Bosnia&Herzegovina, [HR] Croatia, [SR] Serbia, [ME] Montenegro
(eu) Basque-speaking
[edit]- Eliatxo (panromantic demisexual)