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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/Wikimedia Czech Republic 24-25/Yearly Report (2024)

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Wikimedia Česká republika
Wikimedia Czech Republic 24-25
01 January 2024 - 31 December 2025
Report ID: 10163
Report status: Draft
Report due date: 07 February 2025
Grant ID: G-GS-2309-13934
Amount funded: 9902900 CZK, 433439 USD
Amount spent:  CZK
Reporting year (multi-year): 2024
Year of funding (multi-year): Year 1
Yearly Learning Report for General Support Fund (Year 1 - 2024)
Wikimedia Affiliate Report for Wikimedia Affiliates
Affiliate Health Criteria navigation for Wikimedia Affiliates

Part 1: Understanding your work


Per the recent update on the Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy process, Wikimedia Affiliates that are General Support Fund grantees will fulfill their affiliate reporting requirements through their final or yearly grantee report.

If you are a Wikimedia Affiliate, you will use this form for your affiliate reporting and to address the affiliate health criteria. You do not need to submit a separate report to AffCom. Follow the guidance in the green boxes to report on how you met the corresponding affiliate health criteria.

If you are not a Wikimedia Affiliate, aligning your responses with the affiliate criteria is optional and not required.

1. Please share to what extent your programs, approaches, and strategies contributed to addressing the challenges you shared in your proposal. If they did not contribute as you believed they would, please share what obstacles you faced and what, if anything, you learned from them? (required)

For affiliates, use this space (Question 1.) to address Affiliate Health Criterion 1.1 (Goal delivery). Describe how you actively delivered on mission goals, e.g. content creation.

2. Is there a plan to build on the key successes you had? If yes, please describe the plan and if no, please share the limitations to do so. For instance, did the activities lead to any new priorities, ideas for activities, or goals for the future? (required)

3. Please provide a link to reports that detail the activities that took place in the last year. This can include an annual report, Meta pages, and websites. If there are no links available, briefly describe the implemented activities and programs below or upload any files. (required)

For affiliates, use this space (Question 3.) to address Affiliate Health Criteria 2.1 (Affiliate health & resilience), 4.1 (Internal engagement), 4.2 (Community connection), and 4.3 (Partnerships and collaboration):

  • Describe your activities engaging new users, new members for your decision-making body(ies), and developing leaders and organizers (2.1).
  • Describe your activities creating or hosting spaces to encourage greater collaboration and engagement among your members (4.1).
  • Describe how you engage with the contributing community that you serve and/or support (4.2).
  • Describe your partnerships with other affiliates or with non-Wikimedia entities (4.3).

WMCZ blog


4. Are you interested in sharing what you achieved or learned this year with the wider community through different peer learning programs (e.g. Let's Connect program, Diff)? (optional)

5. Did you collect feedback from your community or target groups on how the activities implemented impacted them? If yes, please attach/provide information on the results (e.g. community surveys, stories, impact booklets/reports, interviews with partner institutions, etc). Did you collect other impact-specific data? (required)

For affiliates, the response to Question 5. also partially addresses Affiliate Health Criteria 4.1 (Internal Engagement), 4.2 (Community Connection), or 4.3 (Partnerships & collaboration), where applicable.

6. During the fund period, did your efforts do any of the following? (required):

For affiliates, the response to Question 6. also partially addresses Affiliate Health Criterion 2.2 (Diversity balance).

  • 6.1 Bring in participants from the following groups: women, young people
  • 6.2 Develop content about the following underrepresented topics or groups of people: women, LGBTQ+ groups
  • 6.3 Support the retention of: Editors, Organizers, Partnerships, Wikimedians in Residence positions

7. What, if any, effective tactics or approaches can you share that worked well when dealing with the programs under points 6.1-6.3 that you selected? (optional)

8. If you developed partnerships, which of the following factors most helped you to build partnerships? Please pick a MAXIMUM of the three most relevant factors (optional):


Part 2: Metrics for Year 1

9. Wikimedia Metrics: Participants, editors, organizers.
Wikimedia Metrics Target (Year 1) Results (Year 1) Comments and tools used
Number of all participants 1087 4034 [EDU]:

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS We managed to overcome the set goal for the number of participants in the year 2024, which was 650, we also overcame the 2023 numbers reported. The sum of 2239 refers to all participants in educational activities within 2024, not necessarily unique participants. There is also a significant difference between participants and editors since most educational outreach activities are primarily aimed at positive experiences with Wikimedia and only secondary to editors' experience. There is a slight overlap of participants taking part in educational programs and other WMCZ program activities, which mainly includes participants from the Seniors Write Wikipedia program, who have been actively taking part in editathons and thematic challenges (Programs for Community). The growth in 2024 is mainly due to a higher number of outreach activities and representation at conferences and events as guest speakers/trainers. The trend we established in 2023 continued and we managed to pair up with our partners for several thematic events with outreach to the wider general and professional audiences such as librarians, educators, local municipalities leadership, or institutions. That is how we often provide 1st-time positive experiences with the fascinating world of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in general. We also developed a new format of fun fact-based basic introductory lecture to open up new “markets” and cooperation; called “(Do you) Believe in Wikipedia?” In 2024, where we can track it, we had a ratio of female to male participants almost equal to 50:50. In some activities it is even the majority of women. In 2024, we organized 272 activities in EDU alone, some of them were just short lectures and inputs at our partners' events, but others were multi-phase courses of 6 lessons, etc. A total of 2239 participants took part in these events. Who are the participant groups in Educational programs? Seniors - elderly people, librarians - interested in educational activities offered in their library, but also in Wikidata and other cooperations (media literacy). University students - across different fields of study University teachers - across different fields of study high school and secondary school (VET) students - often non-editing activities high school and secondary school (VET) teachers - often non-editing activities general public - wide, hard-to-define, but in some percentage the general public is participating community members How/ in what do they participate? courses - online/offline lectures - online/offline thematic workshops - online/offline thematic editathons - tailor-made activities, senior WikiTown, Wikischools, Alumni club, trainers/lecturers meetings and Meet-ups, celebration (Christmas Potluck or New Year's Eve Potluck with seniors from our courses) in activities we co-organize, co-participate in with our program track/lecture/workshop, such as (un)conferences, hackathons, etc. yearly goal:650 reality: 2239

[Community]: PROGRAMS FOR COMMUNITY: In 2023 we encountered a two-thirds increase in Community Programs, but we managed to keep it for 2024 more or less the same number. The overall numbers of participants across the 3 programs are higher, just partially we count them in EDU, while they are directly connected to thematic challenges such as the Czechoslovakia contest and our cooperation with schools this autumn (which was massive compared to previous years). The main drivers of this increase are: Community mini-grants service and its promotion, keeping the number of community members involved and the number of participants and content generated by these activities. More events were organised, which we included in the statistics because we supported them not only financially, but also organizationally and through PR.

We organized and co-hosted a few smaller thematic editions and challenges such as the Films at Wikipedia summer challenge (with editathon and photoshoot event at Karlovy Vary film festival and Summer Film School) or the first thematic editaton with Librarians of Prague Municipality Library.

Beyond the thematic challenges and planned editathons, we also had several significant larger community events in 2024: Annual Community Wikiconference in November, this year also inviting teachers via cooperation with the National Pedagogical Institute. Celebration of finalizing the Photo of Czech Villages (Foto českých obcí) initiative – an initiative which has run through several years and has been fulfilled in 2024 by photographing the last location. Excursions and lectures done by our partners for the Wikimedians and seniors which were connected to Wiki-meets ups (National Library, Ďáblice cemetery of political prisoners, National regional archive). In total, we organized or supported 94 events: challenges, competitions, editatons, or Programs, with 1168 participants. Yearly goal:400 Reality: 1168

[Partnerships]: 453

Programs for Partnerships: In the Programs for Partnerships, we cooperate the most in terms of sharing their content, mostly data or media files (GLAM - 10 planned partners or Wikidata/Tech Program - 3 planned partners).

We managed to establish and maintain the position of wiki-resident in most GLAM partner organisations. In 2024 we managed to stabilise this group and organise regular meet-ups (4 meet-ups, 1 Christmas lunch). That means 25 participants from 10 institutions.

Apart of this role of partners, we also participated or organized several events, which became our service or an extra event for EDU or Community programs (State Regional Archive workshop aimed at women in archives, training of librarians from National Library). We organized common activities with our most active partners – 5 trainings in the National Library and Municipal Library Prague, 2 thematic editathons directly in the institutions, with a planned participation of at least 20 people (State Regional Archive Prague, Municipal Library). We have also organized 2 online webinars on issues of Free Licences called „Images from the Internet and Copyright“ – 1 was for librarians from SKIP organizers (467 participants, 2200 views on YouTube), 1 as part of the Digital Czech initiative (49 attendees). We established a new wiki-resident position in HaDivadlo in Brno.

We also include partners who are not directly involved in sharing content but work together to promote free culture or other PR of our programs. With our partner Otevřené sbírky (Open Collection) we organized an annual report on measures of the number of media files (digitized collection items) that museums and galleries in the Czech Republic have managed to publish to the public and share their results with us.

In November 2024 we finished the WMCZ Advocacy strategy and called our new possible partners (Czech Television, Czech Radio) to establish a partnership with them.

ASSOCIATION EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES: Formally, we could also include in the number of participants the so-called "Association events", where we record 361 additional participants - this includes e.g. the Community Wikiconference, the II. November CEE Youth meeting held on behalf of our organization in Prague, community galas for annual activity plans or PR&fundraising, community research presentations, and presentations at international Wikimedia conferences. However, this number is not formally counted.

Tool or methodology used to collect data EDU: Dashboard, registration forms, reports, hashtag tool, manual collection of data, Wikinside COMMUNITY: hashtag tool, fountain tool, registration forms, dashboard, attendance list (for the community of editors), Commons Uploaders in cat, Tracker, categories in Wikimedia Commons (for the community of photographers), Petscan, Wikinside PARTNERSHIPS: Dashboard, manual collecting of data (spreadsheets), EditGroups, attendance list, Wikinside, Cassandra (partially)

Number of all editors 684 2434 [EDU]:

The increase in the number of editors is related to the overall increase in the number of participants in training programs. This increase is already analyzed above. More than half of all editors in WMCZ in 2024 were people involved with Educational Programs. Educational programs are also contributing the most to the category of newly registered editors, the majority comes via Educational programs. yearly goal: 450 editors/ 220 newly registered editors reality: 1463 editors/ 516 newly registered editors

[Community]: While we also managed to highly exceed the original target for the number of editors in the Programs for Community – again related to the total number of participants involved – which is explained above in metrics participants, we did not manage to engage as many new editors. There are several explanations for this: Programs for Editors target and reach out to Wikipedia's regular contributors - especially through competitions. We try to bring in newcomers primarily through participation in editatons. Some newcomers are new to the Community programs, but were previously registered on Wikipedia - typically seniors and students previously involved through Educational Programmes. With the increase in the number of Community micro-grants, the number of community members engaged in these activities also increased, and they are mostly registered already. Thus, although the metric of newly registered editors was not met in the community in this way, it was richly met in the Educational Programs and we still assess the numbers achieved as demonstrating success and continued growth in our activities. yearly goal: 200 editors / 50% of newly registered editors reality: 626 editors/ 35 newly registered editors

[Partnerships]: 241 (32 newly registered)

Programs for Partnerships: Our editors are often wiki-residents of GLAM institutions, who are responsible for the coordination of cooperation with the institution itself. In some cases, they edit themselves (ZOO Prague, Theatre Institute) or/ as an organized group with other residents (National Library Prague, Municipal Library Prague, HaDivadlo Brno). For us, the new editors are representatives of institutions who have become coordinators of cooperation and for these reasons have also been trained in Wikipedia or Wikidata. We also organized GLAM editathons in cooperating institutions, and we expect a larger number of involved editors, both new and existing. Together, we count on 25 residents from 10 institutions and coordinators within the Content Partnership and Wikidata Partnership and 10 participants in the specialized GLAM editathon, ie. with 35 editors. 5 new editors joined due to our newly established GLAM partnership with HaDivadlo in Brno. Also, a new network of Czech ZOO for future cooperation was established in 2024.

Tool or methodology used to collect data EDU: Dashboard, registration forms, reports, hashtag tool, manual collection of data, Wikinside COMMUNITY: hashtag tool, fountain tool, registration forms, Dashboard, attendance list, manual collection of data, Wikinside PARTNERSHIPS: Dashboard, manual collecting of data (events), Wikinside, Cassandra (partially)

Number of new editors 320 2434
Number of retained editors 0 2434
Number of all organizers 90 167 [EDU]:

Yearly we involve the following stakeholders as organisers of educational activities. Their involvement is essential to our success. EDU team - 3 people, Pool of lecturers/trainers - external cooperators of Wikimedia - approx. 15 active people from all around the country each year. Teachers (Students write Wikipedia) 10 Schools - 5 Librarians - 4 volunteers (Alumni from Senior program and volunteering lecturers) - 6 partners such as MAS (Local Action Group - cross-sectoral platform at the local level) or teacher further education centers - 3, Wikipedians volunteering for Wikiclubs and Wiki-forum - usually there is overlap with our lecturers team - 3. Instead of retaining organizers, we are interested in the number of new organizers each year. We aim to gain 3 new organizers per year. This metric is manually collected based on observation and manual counting. The goal was 49 organisers and 3 new organisers. For the year 2024, we reached 62 organizers, to count unique ones becomes a bigger challenge, since the numbers are generally growing and this particular count is done manually. We counted 29 individual unique organizers (=person), where many of them (co) organized multiple nr. of activities during the year. We have 2 new organizers; some are not newcomers to the community, but for the first time they took the role of organizer, others are outside the community/movement such as new librarians, etc. yearly goal: 49/3 new organizers reality: 62/2 new organisers

[Community]: The biggest increase among organizers is due to the increased number of applications for community micro-grants, some even repeatedly. For other community members, the community micro-grants were an opportunity to get involved in a new role. We have one new local wikiclub in Hradec Králové. We were able to engage community organizers across thematic challenges, as speakers, judges, and otherwise. We perceive organizers as a vast group consisting of trainers, ambassadors, and partners (local and international). We also work on maintaining good relations with existing ones, such as the US Embassy in Prague or Fotoskoda. We are happy to see that those trainers, with whom we were organizing previous activities, are willing to join the next editions of projects. We try to include profiles of trainers - for Women's Month on Wikipedia we invite female editors to run workshops as trainers, we also have a community interested in historical subjects. We also encouraged the independent development of projects among members of our community. yearly plan: WikiGap 5-7, LGBT/Climate/CS 48-89 2-3 trainers/event, NGO workshop 1, Describe the monument 1, WikiExpedition 1, WikiTown 1, geographical editathon 1, partners 1-3 yearly goal: 23 reality: 39 organisers, 3 new organisers, 19 unique organisers

[Partnerships]: 45 Programs for Partnerships: Organizers for us mean mostly residents in institutions, independent GLAM organizers, or Wikidata coordinators. We have 25 organizers from 10 institutions in place. In 2024 we have 2 new active partners, Vinohrady Theatre in Prague and HaDivadlo In Brno. We managed to develop 10 partnerships with 45 organisers from the community (wiki-residents etc.).

Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové (content partnership) Lukáš Nekolný, Kristýna Juračková Charles University - 2024 was a transition year with no real activity National Library in Prague (Wikidata partnership) - 7 people: Lenka Maixnerová, Linda Jansová, Petra Šťastná, Václav Jiroušek, Václav Křenek, Hana Nemeškalová, Dora Rodriguez + 5 more linked people Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences (Wikidata partnership) Markéta Marková, Daniel Baránek ZOO Prague (content partnership) Jana Škodová, wiki resident State Regional Archive (content partnership) Jaroslav Zastoupil (WMCR), Martin Sovák (SOA) Municipal Library in Prague (content partnership, Martin Praslička, Ondřej Hudeček – Municipal Library Prague, etc. National Heritage Institute – Jaroslav Zastoupil Vinohrady Theatre – Jiří Brožek (Head of theatre archive) HaDivadlo – Milan Hábl (Pavel Bednařík for WMCR)

Result: 45 organizers from the community

Tool or methodology used to collect data EDU: Dashboard, registration forms, reports, hashtag tool, manual collection of data, community grant submissions COMMUNITY: direct communication, registration forms, community grant submissions PARTNERSHIPS: Dashboard, manual collecting of data

Number of all organizers 6 167
10. Wikimedia Metrics: Contributions to Wikimedia Projects
Wikimedia project Target - Number of created pages (Year 1) Target - Number of improved pages (Year 1) Result - Number of created pages (Year 1) Result - Number of improved pages (Year 1)
Wikipedia 250 2750 2112 3549
Wikimedia Commons 9300 0 15275 0
Wikidata 304600 0 50252 0
Wikimedia Incubator
Wikifunctions or Abstract Wikipedia

11. Did you set other quantitative and qualitative targets for your project (other metrics)? (required): Yes

11.1. Other Metrics.

In your application, you outlined some other open metrics that you would like to measure. Please fill out the achieved results for each of the open metrics you defined.

Other Metrics Description Target Results Comments Methodology
# of activities developed Educational programs: For education programmes here fall all the activities we organise, such as: workshops, courses (usually repetitive, like 6 weeks long course for seniors consisting of 6x2hrs lessons), campaigns (Week of Libraries with Wikipedia, 1Lib1ref) , trainings (for librarians, teachers), editatons (when they are organised specifically for our target groups - e.g. local editaton at highschool or Wikigap for seniors) , trainers/lecturers meetings and meet ups, conference contributions (e.g. TEDx, teachers conferences, google GUG/GEG groups) If it is a long term course or semestral course at university with multiple amounts of lessons, it counts as one in metrics. If it is an activity which is across the programmes - such as editaton, wiki gap - we usually count the activity where it belongs to, only once. Yearly plan: 120

Programs for Community: Community program offers a diverse range of activities, which are dedicated both to experienced Wikipedians, active community members as well as to newcomers including experts from different fields, who would like to use Wikipedia to promote subjects from their thematic areas. Throughout the whole year community programs are developing following activities: 1. Editathons (open to public, with large engagement from local community starting from trainers and co-trainers up to PR and technical support): - Woman Month on Wikipedia a flagship event of WMCZ, which is on one side a part of international campaign toward raising awareness, on the other side WMCZ managed to build a strong community around this topic creating a series of editathons for diverse audience in terms of age, social background and location - Human rights/minorities editathons within the Human Rights on Wikipedia,WMCZ would like to continue on organizing events to empower different voices in society. Thanks to establishing a partnership with stakeholders and engaging skilled Wikipedians, further development - thematic editathons, such as editathon being a part of Czechoslovak competition or others, developed in line with community needs - in partnerships. In editathons WMCZ mesures number of participants (divided into newcomers and regulars), number of created articles, number of edited articles. 2. Competitions, thematic and adjusted to the target groups: Czechoslovak competition (editing contest) Czech Wiki Photo competition (photographic contest for WikiCommons/Wikimedia purposes) Within competitions, we measure the number of participants, number of new content created (articles written/edited), files uploaded. In photographic competition there is a quality check system run by the jury and a nomination for the newcomer of the year. 3. Trainings: for NGOs tailor made for the specific needs of target group, it has some elements of editathon but also include more practical approach allowing participants to gain independence in writing articles for existing community, we plan to engage the Wikiphotographers by developing a program of advanced trainings 4. Ongoing projects Fotíme Cesko (We Photograph Czechia) 5. Community-led projects: Community mini-grants Popis pamatku (Describe the monument), WikiMeetups, WikiClubs. Thematic edit-a-thons run by a volunteers. Yearly plan: 20

Programs for Partnerships: In addition to ongoing partnership activities, we are planning two editatons. In addition, we are planning two events for the public, which will shed light on the issue of open licenses. We are also planning educational activities for the Tech/Wikidata community and advocacy events. Yearly plan: 8

148 374 N/A N/A
# of people reached through social media publications Facebook&Instagram page reach (The number of people who have viewed content on or about our page, such as posts, stories, ads, social information from people who have responded to our page, and so on.) 100 000. We also use LinkedIn regularly and, of course, channels common to the community, but in this metric we follow FB in particular. 100000 282780 Facebook & Instagram page reach (The number of people who have viewed content on or about our page, such as posts, stories, ads, social information from people who have responded to our page, and so on.) is 153 981.

YouTube channel reach (recordings of workshops, lectures and seminars, promo videos, and video ads) is 125,000. We also use LinkedIn (3,799 views) regularly and, channels well-known by the community, like Village Pump. In 2024 we managed to get a grant for PPC advertising on the Czech web portal and search engine Seznam.cz. The reach of these ads was 2 350 348. We do not include them in the statistics because they are not social media ads.

# woman involved In order to support the diversity of the Czech community, we focus specifically on minority groups of women and seniors. Senior numbers are difficult to measure accurately, and we aim for at least 1/3 of our participants to be women - which works out to an annual target of 363 (out of 1087 total participants). 363 1789 N/A N/A

Part 3: Skill Development / Capacity Building


12. Reflecting on your programmatic (external) and organizational (internal) work, did your grant support you to undergo any skill development that made a difference to your success? If yes, what skill was developed, and how did it lead to success? (e.g. received coaching on public speaking, attended training on nonviolent communication, hosted professional development conversations on leadership, learned and used a new tool for project management, etc.)? Can you share any materials? (required)

For affiliates, use this space (Question 12.) to address Affiliate Health Criteria 2.2 (Diversity balance) and 3.1 (Diverse, Skilled, and Accountable Leadership):

  • Describe actions taken to prioritize gender balance in affiliate leadership, as well as any areas of diversity relevant to your affiliate's context (2.2).
  • Describe the management, financial, or other leadership skills of your affiliate leaders. If you have a succession plan, please include it here (3.1).
  • Describe any training or skill development (as outlined in the question above) (3.1).
  • Incorporate into the annual report a disclosure of conflict of interests (if any) from the leadership (3.1).

13. What is one capacity/skill area that you would like to focus on for the next year? And how do you plan to achieve this capacity? (required)

14. If you have additional information or reflections that don’t fit into the above sections, please write them here. Use the space below to upload any additional documents that would be useful to understand your report.

For affiliates, also use this section (Question 14.) to address Affiliate Health Criteria 2.3 (Good governance & communication) and 3.3 (Universal Code of Conduct compliance).

  • Describe and link to any public-facing information on affiliate leadership, membership, elections, and/or decision-making processes (2.3).
  • Describe any activities incorporating, promoting awareness about, or enforcing the Universal Code of Conduct in your affiliate's activities (3.3).

Part 4: Financial reporting


For affiliates, also use this section (Part 4: Financial reporting) to address Affiliate Health Criterion 3.2 (Financial & Legal Compliance).

Budget overview (Year 1)
Description Amount spent (CZK)
Personnel costs
Operational costs
Programmatic costs
Total (Year 1) '
Other revenue
Remaining funds (Year 1) N/A

15. Please state the total amount spent from this fund in your local currency. (required)


16. Please provide an overview of the amount spent from this fund in the following budget categories in your local currency.  (required)

  • Operational costs: CZK
  • Programmatic costs: CZK
  • Staff and contractor costs: CZK

17. Did you have any other revenue sources (e.g. other funding, membership contributions, donations)? (required):

  • 17.1. Provide the total amount received from other revenue sources in your local currency. (required): CZK
  • 17.2. Provide the total amount spent from other revenue sources in your local currency. (required): CZK

18. Provide a financial report document which will provide the details of funds received and spent in the currency of your fund. (required)

  • Upload Documents, Templates, and Files.
  • Report funds received and spent, if template not used.

18.2. If you have not already done so in your financial spending report, provide information on changes in the budget in relation to your original proposal. (optional)


19. Do you have any unspent funds from this funding?: Yes

19.1. Please list the amount of unspent funds in your local currency. (required)
19.2.  Explain why you did not use the amount. (required)
19.3. What are you planning to do with the underspent funds?
19.4. Please provide details of hope to spend these funds.

20. Final confirmations (required)

  • 20.1. Are you in compliance with the terms outlined in the fund agreement? You must be in compliance with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Funds as outlined in the grant agreement. In summary, this is to confirm that the funds were used in alignment with the Wikimedia Foundation mission and for charitable/nonprofit/educational purposes.
  • 20.2. Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement?
  • 20.3. Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Funds as outlined in the grant agreement? In summary, this is to confirm that the funds were used in alignment with the WMF mission and for charitable/nonprofit/educational purposes.

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