Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Wikimedia Czech Republic Annual Plan 2022-2023
2. Programs for Community: capacity building of the current community and its diversity - through activities and competitions for editors and photographers. The aim is also to encourage the acquisition of quality content.
3. Programs for Partnerships: building (especially GLAM) partnerships and earning and promoting free content for Wikimedia projects and retain data collaboration with high-profile organizations.This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the web service of Wikimedia Foundation Funds where the user has submitted their application. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.
Applicant details
[edit]Wikimedia username(s):
- Klára Joklová (WMCZ)
- Wikimedia Česká republika
Have you received grants from the Wikimedia Foundation before?
- Applied previously and did receive a grant
Have you received grants from any non-wiki organization before?
- Yes
Which organization(s) did you receive grants from?
- Czech Foundations or municipalities
Organization details
[edit]What is your organization or group's mission?
- 1 The Association’s vision is to create a world where every person can freely access and contribute to the wealth of human learning.
2. The Association’s mission is to provide access to information, broaden general education and promote the spread of free content by providing aid and support to the growth of Wikipedia as well as other Wikimedia projects.
If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has. (optional)
- Website:
FB - Program and activities pages:
and other thematic pages (GLAM CZ, We Photograph Czechia, etc. Instagram:
Grant proposal
[edit]Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page.
- Wikimedia Czech Republic Annual Plan 2022-2023
Where will this proposal be implemented?
- Czech Republic
Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries? (optional)
- Regional
If you have answered regional or international, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal.
- Czech Republic and Czech Wikimedia community
What are the main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?
- 1. Educational programs: The main challenge is the continued growth, diversity and capacity building and competence development of the existing community. We thus focus on target groups that have the greatest potential to become active members of the community (seniors, students, teachers, librarians) through a variety of low-threshold, value-added activities-free course series, workshops and editathons for students, presentations for teachers and librarians. All this with parallel and long-term support and mentoring.
In agitating the contemporary community, we support educational activities organized among the community or based on their needs. 2. Programs for Community: The main challenge is to foster an inclusive, diverse community and support community participation and engagement. The other current challenge is keeping the community functioning, fostering interpersonal relationships within WM projects, preventing burnout and building community capacity and also to support the gain of quality content - e.g. transferring know-how between members. We try to respond to this throughout the year by organizing editing and photography events and competitions - with topics that can appeal to newcomers and the current community. Event formats are developed in line with past experience, set themes and goals of the Wikimedia movement based on feedback from participants. We also involve the current community as well as our partners in the preparation and organization of all events so that activities are implemented in a consistent and meaningful way. We also combine different forms of activities - online with offline, competitions with long-term challenges. We always think about categories or opportunities for newcomers. Thematically, we try to offer a wide range of current and traditional topics. 3. Programs for Partnerships: The main challenge is to establish and develop partnerships and collaborations with strategic institutions that will be guided to help achieve not only the goals of the Wikimedia movement, but also the goals of the institutions addressed. To this end, we are continuously working to make collaboration more accessible to partners, and to standardize tools and processes leading to mutually productive partnerships - such as gaining and training residents at strategic partners, but also ongoing support and quantification of partnerships. Data and content connectivity and engagement of the volunteer community in collaborations is also important.
What is the main objective of your proposal?
- 1. Educational programs: gaining newcomers and building a diverse community.
2. Programs for Community: capacity building of the current community and its diversity - through activities and competitions for editors and photographers. The aim is also to encourage the acquisition of quality content. 3. Programs for Partnerships: building (especially GLAM) partnerships and earning and promoting free content for Wikimedia projects and retain data collaboration with high-profile organizations.
Describe your main strategies to achieve this objective and the main activities you will be developing as part of these strategies.
- 1. Educational programs:
1.1. Seniors Write Wikipedia program - proven newcomer group, with the highest long-term retention, our original successful program - we organize the courses ourselves and support their organization across the country. Parallel activities aim at a long-term and gradual wider involvement of senior course participants in WMCZ or editing activities and others - through joint offline activities (Senior WikiTown), involvement in the Alumni Club, etc. 1.2. Programs for schools - aimed at students and teachers (Students Write Wikipedia and Teach (with) Wiki) are primarily focused on introducing the young generation to the principles of free access to information and education and the use of wiki principles. Content creation is a secondary but desirable effect. 1.3. Open educational program - The openness of the program is directed outward, to the general public, and inward - to support activities that benefit the existing community. 2. Programs for Community: 2.1. Programs for photographers 2.2. Programs for editors And this is especially through:
- thematic editathons and editing challenges (Wikigap, LGBT+ editaton, WikiClimate editaton)
- competitions (mainly in the digital space, based on a variety of themes, e.g. the Czechoslovakia 1948-1989 competition or annual photo contest Czech Wiki Photo)
- community-led or organised editing/photo events, e.g. weekend Wikiexpeditions and WikiTown, for which we provide a Community Minigrants Fund to support the activities of our own experienced community or support for photographing Czech realities in the We Photograph Czechia/Mediagrant project
- educational events (Capacity Building) - courses, workshops, know-how transfer, video tutorials, discussions, etc. (editing workshop for NGOs)
All this in cooperation with partners from public or educational institutions or thematically related NGOs. 3. Programs for Partnerships: 3.1. GLAM program - we are creating new partnerships with strategic central institutions, especially GLAM institutions, to provide or distribute diverse content that is managed by these institutions under free licenses. We are also supporting the creation of wiki-resident positions or community members in building partnerships with institutions on the local level. 3.2. Advocacy 3.3. Wikidata/Tech program - organising courses, training to educate the community and editors to improve Wikidata. Then, finding strategic partners who hold information and linking them to Wikidata.
Please state if you will be carrying out any of these activities within your programs? Select all that apply.
- Organizing Meet-up online, Organizing Meet-up offline, Workshops, Edit-A-Thons, Photowalk, Contest, Wikimedian-in-Residence, Photo/Media campaign, WikiTown, Conference/Event Organizing, Media outreach campaign, Other, Train-the-Trainer
- seminars, panel discussions, Wikiexpedition
Are you running any in-person events or activities?
- Yes
Please state if your proposal aims to work on any of the identified content knowledge gaps?
- Content Gender gap, Age (regency) , Geography, Language, Sexual Orientation
Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or thematic focus.
- Education, Advocacy, Public Policy, Climate Change and sustainability, Culture, heritage or GLAM , Diversity, Human Rights, Open Technology
- !!!
Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Select all categories that apply.
- Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Age
Please tell us more about your target participants.
- In general, we can divide the target groups into the following categories:
- Existing Wikimedians (editors, volunteer organizers, photographers, wikidatists)
- Chapter members
- GLAM sector (museums, galleries, etc).
- Educational sector: students and teachers
- Women’s groups
- Senior citizens group
- Local NGO’s
- Other existing partners
Educational programs: The main target groups of the programs are newcomers in general - more specifically youth (students) and seniors. As part of the activity for seniors, we are increasingly focusing on more targeted and long-term support for librarians across the country so that libraries can organize and offer local courses for seniors - and share this know-how sustainably and locally. Another target group - teachers - allows us to reach out to minors and students in general. Students write Wikipedia program (for college and high school teachers) and Teach (with) Wiki program (for high school and primary school teachers) to spread the idea of free knowledge among young people. We want to create conditions where we can work with our cooperating teachers on a long-term basis. General education aimed at the general public or existing community is a topic we don't want to ignore. We support the target group of the existing community in the sense of Capacity Buiding - developing their knowledge, skills and leadership potential.
Programs for Community: In our programs we target the current community - motivating and supporting their activities and skills development in Wikimedia projects, meeting and collaborating with the association (active members with interest) and newcomers - especially diverse groups recognized as minorities in the Wikipedia environment - we reach out through tailor-made activities/ together with thematic partners - e.g. women, expert newcomers (e.g. representatives of the non-profit sector, academics and other experts, etc.).
Programs for Partnerships: The main target groups of the programs are newcomers in general, the technical community around Wikidata and collaborating organisations. For collaborating organisations, we distinguish according to the extent of the specific collaboration - for partner organisations, we speak mainly of the GLAM programme. We talk about collaborating organizations in particular if the collaboration is mainly in the form of joint events - editing or competitions or other support for our activities (e.g. PR, prizes, etc).
Do you have plans to work with other Wikimedia communities, groups or affiliates in your country, or in other countries, to implement this proposal?
- Yes
Please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal.
- WMCZ initiated cooperation with other Wikimedia affiliates - Wikimedia Poland, Sweden and Slovakia - and together we prepared an ERASMUS+ application for a joint training project. We did not get funding in the first round, even though the project was approved - but we want to continue our cooperation.
The communication channels we regularly use for information about project activities are:
- Village Pump (Czech Wikipedia)
- Information project pages on Wikipedia - - Wikipedie: Vzdělávání, Wikipedie:Komunitní minigranty, Wikipedie:Editaton, Wikipedie:Fotíme Česko, Wikipedie:WikiMěsto, Wikipedie:GLAM
Commons:Czech Wiki Photo, Wikidata:WikiProject Czech Republic
- WMCZ website and public calendar
- WMCZ social media - Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn (including paid ads)
- Youtube and author promotional videos
- communication channels of partner organisations
- regular programme newsletters
- emails to WMCZ members
Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedian partners to implement this proposal?
- Yes
Please describe these partnerships.
- In the implementation of each event we try to cooperate with other Czech institutions or thematically linked NGOs. The types of these partnerships are described in other parts of the application.
These are typically GLAM institutions, schools, educational organisations, Czech NGOs. Partnerships which, in addition to cooperation or mutual PR, also include some kind of transaction tip are mainly:
- donations for competitions (vouchers)
- free or discounted rentals for in-person events (courses, Wikiklub)
- financial support for individual activities in the form of grants - especially co-funding (Senior Wikimede, part of the editathons).
How do you hope to sustain or expand the work carried out in this proposal after the grant?
- WMCZ is an established affiliate and its activities have a long history and development. Since 2016, the branch has been professionalized, which has brought stability and strategic development of activities along with a growing team of employees. These are planned for the long term. Last year, with the involvement of our community, we spent several months together developing a strategic plan for 2021- 24 (attached) which we are now implementing. In developing it, we followed Movement Strategy 2030, with which we are aligned in our objectives.
We are also focusing on an ongoing evaluation of the impact of our activities, which we are constantly reviewing and, especially in 2022, we would like to embed in the planning of all activities. Internal processes are undergoing continuous review and are robust and aim for efficiency and sustainability. As are the control mechanisms. The WMCZ team is high quality and experienced and continuously invites and engages members of our community to implement program activities. We also think about transparent sharing of know-how, for which we use various methods (video, tutorials) and share them openly. The Board is made up of experienced representatives of our community. The Czech community is experienced and we can also count on their help in implementing activities, and in the last two years we have also met our goal of creating a large external team of active community members who also underwrite our activities.
Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?
- (N)ame:Klára Joklová
(R)ole:Executive Director (U)ser(N):Klára Joklová (WMCZ) (Resp)onsibilities: running and development of the organisation, overall management
(N):Lucie Schubert (R):Education Programmes Manager (U): Lucie Schubert (WMCZ) (Resp):project management of Educational programmes and educational team (including the lecturing team and the Alumni Club)
(N):Eva Vele (R):Partnership Programs Manager (U): Eva Vele (WMCZ) (Resp):project management of Programmes for Partnership and its team (including the residential programme) and partnerships, managing the GLAM and Advocacy programme
(N):Natalia Szelachowska (R):Manager of Programmes for Community - a newly created position (U):Natalia Szelachowska (WMCZ) (Resp):project management of Programmes for Community, communicating with partners
(N):Natálie Schejbalová (R):Fundraising and PR (U): Natálie Schejbalová (WMCZ) (Resp):creation and implementation of fundraising and PR campaigns
(N):shall be occupied (R):Programmes for Community Coordinator (U): (Resp):management and implementation of Programmes for Community - editathons, competitions, photo and editing activities, community capacity building
(N):Vojtěch Veselý - on leave (R):Senior Trainer and Methodologist of Educational Programmes (U): Vojtěch Veselý (Resp):creation, preparation and evaluation of methodological activities, conducting educational activities
(N):Zuzana Dorážková (R):Coordinator of Educational Programmes (U):Zuzana Dorážková (WMCZ) (Resp):coordination and implementation of programme activities, communication with participants
(N):Michal Josef Špaček (R):Wikidata/Tech Programme Coordinator (U):Michal Josef Špaček (WMCZ) (Resp):leadership and management of the Wikidata partnership, technical support, support of the Czech Wikidata community and its capacity building
(N):Jana Landsingerová (R):administrative support (U):Jana Landsingerová (WMCZ) (Resp):administrative support of the team, accountancy&office support
In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of three options that most apply.
- Provide for Safety and Inclusion, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development, Manage Internal Knowledge
Please state if your organization or group has a Strategic Plan that can help us further understand your proposal. You can also upload it here. (optional)
- Upload Strategic Plan
Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation
[edit]What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?
- How to measure the success/impact of our education programs on the attendees, when it comes to non-editing activities. How to share that success with the community, that often does not see much value in such non-editing activities.
How to get the current community responsive in terms of communication and engaged in terms of organized events. What concerns newcomers, we would like to develop activities, which maintain the quality of editing but are in line with the way Wikipedia/Commons works. Finally we would like to establish steps which will allow us to keep the community active and resistant against burnout. When it comes to the photographers community, we would like to create a program dedicated to their needs, which will allow sharing of skills and experience. We would like to streamline the GLAM project, both for the public and to the Wikimedia community. By better setting metrics, we could obtain better data on our visibility to the outside and thus adjust our communication with GLAM institutions. This will make GLAM more open to the public, better known to both GLAM institutions and our community, and it will serve as a bridge to a semi-community project. Our plan is RegioGLAM. GLAM subproject, in which we, as a branch, will be a helping hand to the community, which will be able to reach the GLAM institution on its own, because it will have sufficient support in our successful case studies, manuals and a residency program.
Core Metrics
[edit]Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.
Core metrics | Description | Target |
Number of participants | Educational programs:
We are able to count unique participants for some of the programs - such as Seniors edit Wikipedia, but it is harder to cover when these participants take part in other activities at the same time (which is the desired result on the other hand), such as editathons. Therefore as the main metric we focus here on Participants in general. We measure all participants of all education activities within a calendar year (including repetitive participants - e.g. senior takes part in basic course, then he/she attends a course on Commons). We are particularly interested in new/ returning participants in Seniors write Wikipedia program. There we observe this phenomenon. Nowadays we are able to make qualified estimations on the number of new/returning participants, but not serve with exact data. Who are the participant groups in Educational programs? Seniors - elderly people, with a slightly more female participants, this is still a very good result since one of the diversity groups we identify, besides women, is actually eldely male - they are tempted to participate in community activities, courses, and lifelong learning offer much less in general. librarians - interested in educational activity offer in their library, running courses for seniors, but also in Wikidata and other cooperations. University students - across different fields of study University teachers -across different fields of study high school and secondary school (VET) students - often non-editing activities high school and secondary school (VET) teachers - often non-editing activities general public - wide, hard-to-define, but in some percentage the general public is participating community members How/ in what they participate? courses - online/offline lectures - online/offline thematic workshops - online/offline thematic editatons - tailor-made activities, senior WikiTown Alumni club, trainers/lecturers meetings and Meet-ups, celebration (Christmas Potluck or New Year's Eve Potluck with seniors from our courses) in activities we co-organise, co-participate in with our own program track/lecture/workshop, such as (un)conferences, hackathons, etc. yearly goal:650 Programs for Community: We divide participants according to a way of contribution and their proficiency. In the community program the main target group consists of participants in regard to Wikipedia - newcomers and participants with whom we have a long term collaboration, all editing articles. For them we organize editathons and training, within a year we have 4 constant events, however we usually team up with other organizations and develop 2-3 more in collaboration with other agents. Second group of participants can be divided into community members and trainers. This group is shared with the EDU program, as this program is the most developed and has regular events. Thirdly WMCR runs programs for photographers (most of them are also Wikipedians and furthermore they engaged in WMCommons project). We run activities aiming for two projects: WMCommons and Wikidata. in this program we would like to learn more about WMCommons users and how to bring a larger number as participants, in line with what factors develop the existing projects. We are interested in people from different backgrounds, who would like to learn how to write/upload and edit content in a longer perspective. As participants we also perceive people working in partners organizations, who are actively engaged in our activities - through PR and communication, sharing resources or becoming editors. yearly goal:400 Programs for Partnerships: In the Programs for Partnerships, there are GLAM institutions with which we cooperate the most - in the terms of sharing their content - mostly data or media files (GLAM - 10 planned partners or Wikidata/Tech Program - 5 planned partners). In some institutions we cooperate with wiki-rezident - we plan 9 for the next year. That means 24 participants. Among other things, we are planning common activities with the most active partners - for next year we are planning at least 2 thematic editathons directly in the institutions, with a planned participation of at least 10 people. We also include partners who are not directly involved in sharing content, but work together to promote free culture or other PR of our programs. These are, for example, SIBMAS (Association of Theater Institutions), UHS (Association of Art Scientists, Art Historians and Art Lovers) and others. The last participant we consider is our partner Otevřené sbírky (Open Collection). It is a non-profit organization that annually measures the number of media files (digitized collection items) that museums and galleries in the Czech Republic have managed to publish to the public and share their results with us. yearly goal:37 |
1087 |
Number of editors | Educational programs:
We are collecting information on how many editors we have throughout our activities (some editing, some semi-editing, and some non-editing based activities with EDU programs). We are as well collecting data on newly registered editors (mostly via Dashboard) - that gives us an opportunity to report on how educational programs contribute to editors community growth, newcomers constant flow, diversity of the editors community etc. Newly registered editors are typically little above ⅓ of editors involved in educational programs per year. yearly goal: 450 editors/ 220 newly registered editors
Programs for Community: We reach a wide audience through editathons, editing contests and community lead events, which stands for participants editing on Wikipedia. In order to track activity, we mainly use Dashboard to learn about editathons participants. We also make use of tools for more experienced users such as Hashtag or Fountain, those are being involved in organization of editing competitions. We also use various (internal and external) communication channels with participants to follow up and learn if they continue editing as well as to measure the overall satisfaction of participating in our programs. We would like to gain more experience in ensuring further editions and returning editors to participate in regular activities. Tools such as Fountain are also being used in community-led activities, which rely on the same structure as our programs. We aim for learning people to become independent editors as well as also to encourage those, who already edit to be involved in chapter’s activities. yearly goal:200 editors / 50% of newly registered editors
684 |
Number of organizers | Educational programs:
Yearly we involve following stakeholders as organisers of educational activities. Their involvement is essential to our success. EDU team - 3 people Pool of lecturers/trainers - external cooperators of Wikimedia - approx. 15 active people from all around the country each year. Teachers (Students write Wikipedia) 10 Schools - 5 Librarians - 4 volunteers (Alumni from Senior program and volunteering lecturers) - 6 partners such as MAS (Local Action Group - cross-sectoral platform at local level) or teacher further education centres - 3 Wikipedians volunteering for Wikiclubs and Wiki-forum - usually there is overal with our lecturers team - 3 Instead of retention of organisers we are interested in the number of new organisers each year. We aim to gain 3 new organisers per year. Not yet an effective tool for measuring this besides observation of data collected. yearly goal: 49/ 3 new organisers Programs for Community: We work closely with the WMCZ Edu team regarding the trainers, who are mainly engaged in this program. For each editathon organized we cover the substantive part, thanks to support from main trainers and prospective co-trainers (usually 1-2 per event). The most developed event, WikiGap challenge, requires more support as we organize more than one editathon within the campaign. We are aspiring to have at least one active member of the community, who can be responsible for the activity and is able to take over the role of a main trainer. We strongly encourage active community members to become organizers of activities - over the year there are usually 3-4 independently organized events for a smaller group of Wikipedians. We make an effort to give a space and background for at least one editing contest organized by volunteers. Furthermore we work closely with partners, such as US Embassy or Veolia employees, who are willing to develop activities together with WMCZ and take responsibility as co-organizers. We would definitely welcome more mentors within our photographic projects, who could develop a program of events for the photographic community. WikiGap 5-7, LGBT/Climate/CS 48-89 2-3 trainers/event, NGO workshop 1 Popis pamatku 1, WikiExpedition 1, WikiTown 1, geographical editathon 1, partners 1-3 Programs for Partnerships: For us, the organizers are residents in institutions, coordinators of connecting databases with Wikidata and independent GLAM organizers. For example: for the Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové (content partnership) Lukáš Nekolný - wiki-resident, Kristýna Staňková - museum employee and coordinator for Wikimedia partnership, for the Regional Museum Mikulov (content partnership) user: Mikurobu - editor and coordinator and employee of the museum, for the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences (Wikidata partnership) Markéta Marková - editor, coordinator and employee of the Institute of History, for ZOO Prague (content partnership) Petra Petáková ZOO employee and coordinator of two wiki-editors and employees of ZOO Prague, for State Regional Archive (content partnership) Vladěna Nývltová - coordinator and head of the volunteer group in the State Regional Archive, currently on maternity leave, for the Municipal Library in Prague (content partnership) Dita Lánská - head of the theater and film department in the Municipal Library and also the coordinator of Wikimedia partnership, for the database Czech artists Abart (Wikidata partnership) Jiří Hůla - coordinator for the institution, for the National Library in Prague (Wikidata partnership) Petra Šťastná - coordinator for the institution, for the National Film Archive (Wikidata partnership) Ladislav Čupr - coordinator end editor for the institution, for the Institute of Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Wikidata Partnership) Vojtěch Jelínek - coordinator and editor for the institution. We expect the number to increase to about 18 by next year. yearly goal:18 |
90 |
Wikimedia Project | Description | Target |
Wikipedia | Educational programs:
Most of the content edited via educational programs we receive from Seniors write Wikipedia program - per head our seniors are usually productive, especially when they continue with advanced courses and other activities. When it comes to Programs for schools, part of the activities are primary non-editing and therefore the numbers are much lower. Editors are seniors, librarians, university and highschool teachers and students, in some amount as well leisure time pedagogs, NGO workers. When it comes to additional metric “articles created” - we are able to monitor this metric, but not measure effectively. So far we were in search of a general solution. Therefore we set a less optimistic goal which can be adjusted according to future monitoring. yearly goal: 1800 articles edited/ 180 articles created Programs for Community: During the year we have established a plan of diverse and growing number of activities, which attract different groups of editors in order to improve or add the content to Wikipedia (mainly in Czech but also in other languages). Within this project we focus on registered users, who create edited articles, in specific cases, we also follow how much the content was edited and we check the quality of created texts. We seek ways to grow responsibility for the outcome within the community.We would like to keep our activities as much open and accessible to the public as possible. yearly goal: 1400 Programs for Partnerships: In the Partnership program, we deal with the editing of Wikipedia and Wikidata, as well as Content Partnership. However, editing Wikipedia is usually the first thing they start working with. Our wiki-residents usually start correcting the main Wikipedia page of the institution and, after communicating with the curators of the GLAM institution, also correct and create articles that are missing or insufficient on wikipedia. We currently have 161 edited articles, of which 46 are newly created. Due to the planned editing rules, we expect that next year it will be around 300 articles, of which 80 are newly created. yearly goal:300/80 newly created articles |
3500 |
Wikimedia Commons | Educational programs:
By default, we measure Commons via the Dashboard. We can rely on the Dashboard metrics on Commons only for newcomers, for the rest we need a template or another procedure for measuring this. It depends on whether there will be Commons courses or a Senior Wikitown and to what extent we will implement it. This can have a significant effect on metrics. 2021 was for education programmes first year where we introduced specific courses (mainly for seniors) oriented on Commons and developed a few other support tools, such as guide for uploading files to commons. We have few university and highschool teachers who use Commons in their classes on an irregular basis. Majority of the uploads in Education happen through Seniors write Wikipedia programme. yearly goal:1300 Programs for Community: In community programs we have 2 projects focusing on WikiCommons - Czech Wiki Photo contest, which was initiated in 2019 and is dedicated mainly for new users and Mediagrant, which focuses on experienced Wikiphotographers and serves to complete Wikipedia content.We would like to measure both new registrations and uploads and check To follow uploads and check on users and members activities within WikiCommons, we use several tools: . Uploaders in cat to understand number of active uploaders and files uploaded within Forime Cesko project Glamurous petscan is being used to measure the precise number of pictures uploaded according to years and Wikimedia projects we analyse data directly in WikiCommons yearly goal:1700 Furthermore for the Czech Wiki Photo contest purposes we are developing a specific tool allowing public voting as the number of added pictures is continuously growing. Programs for Partnerships: We are interested in the number of newly uploaded media files. So far, 38 test media files have been uploaded. After training our Organizers at Pattypan, we expect a more powerful upload with about 1000 media files uploaded. yearly goal:1000 |
4000 |
Wikidata | Educational programs:
The way we currently work with Wikidata in edu is as follows; we introduce complete newcomers to touch wikidata items. We are able to monitor it through the Dashboard only and selectively at some courses. Hence the numbers we usually reach. We haven't focused on wikidata yet, rather marginally. Newly in advanced courses for seniors and selected courses, we are experimenting with how to enter wikidata items, etc. If we get one or two participants interested, it can significantly change the resulting number for given year. yearly goal:100 Programs for Community: Fotime Cesko (We Photograph Czechia) is a main, continuous activity dedicated to experienced Wikiphotographers. It serves mainly to fill so called blank spaces in Wikimedia projects, it is developed to keep the updates in relation to the current situation in Czech republic (architecture, streets, etc.). Tools used to measure the uploaded files were described in the previous point. yearly goal: 4500 Programs for Partnerships: We see Wikidata partnerships in linking databases or better external identifiers with Wikidata items. As part of these collaborations, we measure the number of links. We anticipate that there will be at least 300,000 links next year, due to the increasing number of cooperating institutions. yearly goal:300.000 links between external identifiers and Wikidata items |
304600 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.
- N/A
Additional Metrics
[edit]Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.
Additional Metrics | Description | Target |
Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities | Educational programs:
We are interested in monitoring retention only selectively, for the activities where it makes sense. That is, depending fairly on the objectives, why we run such educational activities. When the objective is to learn editing or creating and uploading photos for Commons, then we are interested in retention in the long-term. These are beginners courses at Seniors Write Wikipedia and selected activities from Programmes for schools where editing is part of the skill though. The long term goal is to set a functional system of measuring retention at the pre-selected activities targeting newcomers and new editors. Programs for Community: As the retaining editors create equally important target group, we would like to develop a communication strategy as well as effective process, which will enable us to follow newcomers in their path of gaining editors skills. Moreover, thanks to the communication with them, we would like to prepare some activities dedicated to their specific needs and to ensure the community growth.We would like to specialize within our annual activities, meaning WikiGap and NGO training, where we can adjust the program for a certain audience. Programs for Partnerships: Our collaborations are long-term and, as editors are often wiki-residents, they will continue to work with us for years to come. We assume that the number will correspond to 90% of the editorial metrics. That is, we expect 20 editors that continue to participate next year. |
N/A |
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities | Programs for Partnerships:
In our Partnership program, the organizers are almost the same as the editors, because in the vast majority of cases they are wiki-residents, so it is number 20. |
20 |
Number of strategic partnerships that contribute to longer term growth, diversity and sustainability | Educational programs:
Strategic partnerships in education are such, where we share the common values, approach to education and we deliver educational activities in cooperation. This is not happening in an ad hoc setting but as a long-term cooperation. Our keep strategic partnerships are: for cooperation with libraries and support of Seniors Write Wikipedia (SePW) programme - NK (National Library), MKP (Prague Municipality Library), SKIP (Guilt of librarians and information managers), KISK (Department of Information and Library studies at MUNI university), OSF (Open Society Fund and their programme for libraries). Support of SePW - foundations such as LUSH or Veolia Foundation, Elpida (organisation working on education and leisure programmes for seniors). Programmes for schools (Students write Wikipedia and Teach (with) Wiki) - Digikoalice (Czech National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs), Post Bellum - Memory of Nation and their school programmes, Samet na školách (Velvet revolution memory festival at schools). Wikiskripta ( independent medical wiki-based project which we partner with and exchange know-how on how to work with students and teachers in editing and volunteering and how to measure impact of our OER. All these partners help us in diverse ways; they co-organise the activities with us, help us with promotion, are part of our working groups and we are in theirs, we offer our programmes under their agenda framework. Besides that we have many small partnerships yearly across the country in order to deliver our programmes (libraries, schools, universities, MAS (Local Action Groups - cross-sectoral platforms) These might vary each year. Programs for Community: continuous partnership with US embassy (grant, WikiGap - organization, PR, participation and content), Veolia (grant, Water management/climate changes editathon organized together, ensuring participants, PR and resources), Vaclav Havel Library (infrastructural background, PR, resources). Programs for Partnerships: Strategic GLAM partnerships are important to us. We distinguish between cooperation and GLAM partnerships. For us, the collaborating institution is one that does not upload additional data or media files on Wikimedia projects, but we benefit significantly from connecting with them. For example, Open Collections. Strategic GLAM partnerships are those in which we take GLAM to a new level and learn new possibilities for cooperation and basically those in which we upload media files. Those are actually: The Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové (content partnership), The Regional Museum Mikulov (content partnership), The Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences (Wikidata partnership), ZOO Prague (content partnership), The State Regional Archive (content partnership), The Municipal Library in Prague (content partnership), The database of Czech artists - Abart (Wikidata partnership), The National Library in Prague (Wikidata partnership), The National Film Archive (Wikidata partnership), The Institute of Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Wikidata Partnership). We expect the number to increase to about 16 by next year. |
31 |
Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors | N/A | N/A |
Diversity of participants brought in by grantees | Educational programs:
This is a metric we are able to monitor, we are interested in it. However, we don’t have effective measures to measure this metric across the programmes in global. It effectively only applies in some areas. In EDU we work at the level of demographics: areas of interest: age, gender, locality, newcomers, accessibility We look at our target groups such as seniors or women and their involvement connected to our programme. We are as well naturally interested in regional distribution - e.g. how many underrepresented regions (small town libraries etc.) we are able to attract. Our specific diversity contribution is groups such as senior lecturers, who recruit from our former participants of Seniors Write Wikipedia courses and they become peer lecturers. On the other hand a few of our lecturers are young adults who just started their career path or are still studying - these bring in the topic of intergenerational dialog. Regarding the age, the diversity via education programmes is brought by on one hand seniors and on the other hand by teenagers. The fact that we run our activities partially online allows us to target smaller cities and regions where residential courses will be hardly successfully organised. This brings a topic of accessibility as one key element to bringing in diversity in terms of regional and health aspects (e.g. a person in a small village or person with limited mobility can join our activities from their homes). Programs for Community: Since 2019 WMCZ is developing Community programs so it is attractive to a wide spectrum of audience (newcomers, women, local, LGBT+). Activities are addressing various thematic areas and are constructed to fulfill needs of different age, social and gender groups. The chapter wants to refer to global issues such as human rights/minorities issues as well as specific local character matters, such as the role of women in Czech history and society. We run event both online (therefore available for everyone, no matter where they are based) and offline, around Czech Republic, mostly in Prague but also in other cities and smaller towns - we have dedicated events to be geographically diverse, such as WikiTown. Programs for Partnerships: In the Partnership program, we also think of diversity, especially for the local diversity. We try to address non-Prague institutions from smaller cities. Currently, the Regional Museum in Mikulov is cooperating with us. But we plan to establish RegioGLAM. GLAM subproject, in which we will support local patriots to join GLAM on their own, supporting them with our know-how (through manuals, by a support group of experienced wiki-residents and case studies of successful GLAM collaborations), PR (through sharing on social networks) and financially if cooperation so requires (through mini-grants). Our goal next year is to achieve three more collaborations outside the capital PRAGUE. So with the current one, we want to achieve 4 collaborations outside Prague next year. |
N/A |
Number of people reached through social media publications | Facebook page reach (The number of people who have viewed content on or about our page, such as posts, stories, ads, social information from people who have responded to our page, and so on.)
63 000 (approximately 15 % more than in 2021) New Facebook page followers - 150 (By the end of 2021 we have 1530 followers) |
63000 |
Number of activities developed | Educational programs:
For education programmes here fall all the activities we organise, such as: workshops, courses (usually repetitive, like 6 weeks long course for seniors consisting of 6x2hrs lessons), campaigns (Week of Libraries with Wikipedia, 1Lib1ref) , trainings (for librarians, teachers), editatons (when they are organised specifically for our target groups - e.g. local editaton at highschool or Wikigap for seniors) , trainers/lecturers meetings and meet ups, conference contributions (e.g. TEDx, teachers conferences, google GUG/GEG groups) If it is a long term course or semestral course at university with multiple amounts of lessons, it counts as one in metrics. If it is an activity which is across the programmes - such as editaton, wiki gap - we usually count the activity where it belongs to, only once. Programs for Community: Community program offers a diverse range of activities, which are dedicated both to experienced Wikipedians, active community members as well as to newcomers including experts from different fields, who would like to use Wikipedia to promote subjects from their thematic areas. Throughout the whole year community programs are developing following activities: 1. Editathons (open to public, with large engagement from local community starting from trainers and co-trainers up to PR and technical support):
In editathons WMCZ mesures number of participants (divided into newcomers and regulars), number of created articles, number of edited articles. 2. Competitions, thematic and adjusted to the target groups: Czechoslovak 1948-1989 competition (editing contest) Czech Wiki Photo competition (photographic contest for WikiCommons/Wikimedia purposes) Within competitions, we measure the number of participants, number of new content created (articles written/edited), files uploaded. In photographic competition there is a quality check system run by the jury and a nomination for the newcomer of the year. 3. Trainings: for NGOs tailor made for the specific needs of target group, it has some elements of editathon but also include more practical approach allowing participants to gain independence in writing articles for existing community, we plan to engage the Wikiphotographers by developing a program of advanced trainings 4. Ongoing projects Fotíme Cesko (We Photograph Czechia) Mediagrant 5. Community-led projects: Community mini-grants Popis pamatku (Describe the monument) WikiExpedition WikiTown Thematic edit-a-thons run by a volunteers Programs for Partnerships: In addition to ongoing partnership activities, we are planning two editatons. In addition, we are planning two events for the public, which will shed light on the issue of open licenses. |
81 |
Number of volunteer hours | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
What other information will you be collecting to learn about the impact of your work? (optional)
- Bimonthly board meetings: Wikimedia Czech republic holds bi-monthly meetings with its Board. These meetings are open to the whole community.
Community advisory groupsː We have created a community advisory group for each program/activity. The group should become a bridge between community and target groups. We asked experienced community members as well as our collaborative partners out of community. Project managers communicate activity development plans with them and discuss specific topics during the year.
Online discussions: We ask for opinions on specific issues online on our members wiki and mailing list. Furthermore, we monitor talk pages and discussions on Wikimedia projects which are related to our chapter's activities. We invited the community to participate in these discussions via announcements in the various village pumps and via the mailing lists.
Surveys: we are creating forms for specific topics and ask the community to give us their feedback during the year about a specific topic/changes that could influence the community.
Evaluation & feedback forms: from our education activities and editaton-like events we collect in form of questionnaires, oral and written evaluations and sometimes as well focus groups. We also collect information about the satisfaction of our partners through regular meetings and questionnaires. We also collect information about how many uploaded media files have gained further use, for example in Wikipedia locks or within Wikidata.
What tools would you use to measure each metric selected?
- In general we use a mix of offered tools across the programmes: Dashboard, Event metrics, Hashtag, Fountain + observation as a method to follow some of the phenomenons.
For Programs for Partnerships we use Quarry too and we are planning to use Cassandra.
How do you hope to share these results so that others can learn from them?
- Create a video of our experience, Make a short presentation of the experience, Create a training workshop to show others what we learned, Share results on social media, Share results with our communities, Participate in one on one peer sharing session with other grantees, Develop learning material for other users, Share it on Meta-Wiki, Other
- CEE region meetings, ED calls, CEE region calls, Edu affiliate community regular sharing meetings (regional and global).
Financial Proposal
[edit]What is the amount you are requesting from WMF? Please provide this amount in your local currency. If you are thinking about a multi-year fund, please provide the amount for the first year.
- 8788670 CZK
What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?
- 388119 USD
Do you want to apply for multi-year funding?
- Yes
If you have calculated it, please provide an estimate of the year 2 or year 3 request.
- We anticipate a 8% increase to cover average price increases, inflation, and minimal development.
It means: 4,395,438 CZK = 194,059USD for 2023 budget.
Year 1: 4,069,850 CZK (proposed) Year 2: 4,395,438 CZK
Please share your budget for this proposal.
- Attached detailed budget.
What do you do to make sure there is a good management of funds?
- Over the last 5 years, WMCZ has been undergoing a process of professionalisation.
This has meant also the standardization and streamlining of internal processes. Regarding financial processes:
- every year we undergo an independent audit of the financial statements
- we follow the auditors' guidelines, which we have incorporated in the past into our internal guidelines
- financial processes are governed by the Internal Rules on Accounting and Financial Management
- the proper financial management is the responsibility of Executive Director, under the supervision of the Audit Committee and the Board
- the Executive Director works with the financial and payroll accountant
- the payroll accountant is the NGO's accounting expert
- WMCZ is guided by the principle of frugality and transparency (declared in the Statues)
- all WMCZ bank accounts are transparent
- all expenditure is published through the internal tracker system
How will you contribute towards creating a supportive environment for participants using the UCOC and Friendly Space Policy?
- We follow all the principles of Friendly Space Policy at the planned activities, we create a newcomer friendly environment, we always have several trained lecturers or co-lecturers present at the events, who are specifically dedicated to the newcomers and also usually mentor them after the event.
We promote the UCOC principles among the community mainly by updating them on the progress of UCOC preparations, translating documents and holding discussions. As a branch we welcome them, but on the other hand we only enter into discussions about their form to the extent that is appropriate for us as a branch. We also try to continuously cultivate the online environment with explanatory comments and support for underrepresented communities and topics.
Please use this optional space to upload any documents that you feel are important for further understanding your proposal.
- Staffing plan or organogram:
- Other public document(s):
Final Message
[edit]By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.
We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.
- Yes
Year 2 Plan
Annual Plan for Year 2
1.1. Please upload or indicate a link for Year 2 Annual Plan. (required)
- Link:
- Annual plan 2023 KPI_EN - Activity plan 2023.pdf
- Annual plan 2023 KPI_EN - Activity plan 2023.pdf
1.2. Please describe any major changes in your Annual Plan. If there are changes that require a budget change, please specify. (required)
There are no major changes within the Annual Plan - we are only increasing specific KPIs or sub-targets.
Budget for Year 2
2.1. Do you request an increase or decrease from what has been approved for Year 2? (required)
- Yes, I am requesting a budget increase for Year 2
2.2. Please upload a detailed budget file or indicate a link to it for the Year 2 proposal. The revised budget should show your anticipated yearly budget from the beginning of Year 2 through the end date of the grant. (required)
2.3. What is the percentage increase you are requesting for Year 2 (with respect to the Year 2 budget submitted with your original proposal)?
- 20%
2.4. How much do you request for Year 2 in USD with the increase? (required)
- 211746 USD
2.5. How much do you request for Year 2 in your local currency with the increase? (required)
- 4793820 CZK
2.6. Please describe the main major changes in your new budget. Your response to this question should provide a brief summary of the changes and give the reasons for them. (required)
The budget increase is due to inflation, which has averaged 14% over the past year, reaching 20% in some months. This has had to be reflected in the amount budgeted for 2023 over and above what was originally estimated at +8% (estimated normal growth).
Metrics for Year 2
3.1. Main open metrics (required)
Metrics Name | Description | Target |
Participants of the senior courses | During the year we organize 6-week courses Seniors write Wikipedia all over the Czech Republic. The total number depends on several factors, but is usually around 12. We aim to run courses of such quality and with long term support for participants that the participants complete the full length of the course. The goal is that 70% of SePW participants successfully complete the course | 70% |
# events for community | As part of our community programmes, we organise several activities throughout the year focusing on joint events for the community - mainly editathons or joint workshops, focusing on a variety of topics. The aim is to organize at least 12 events (workshops/editatons) during the year - min. 1/2 of them hybrid | 12 |
Comprehensive monthly challenges (*WikiGap, MHR, CS 48-89) | Throughout the year, we focus on quarterly topics that have the potential to appeal to newcomers, while also focusing on topics that are not sufficiently covered thematically on the Czech Wikipedia. In Q1 we focus on "Women on Wikipedia" (Wikigap challenge), in Q2 we focus on "Human Rights on Wikipedia" (this includes minority rights topics - e.g. Roma minority, migrants, LGBTQ+ community, etc.) and in Q4 we focus on "Czechoslovakia 1948 - 1989". Each call presents a set of activities - editathons, workshops and competitions - that target the broader community and newcomers, and also engage new organizers and partners. | 3 |
# micro-competitions We Photograph Czechia | We want to support our long-term program for photographers - We Photograph Czechia by organizing thematic micro-competitions to increase interest in the program and attract newcomers. | 3 |
# of collaborating vice-residents/ partnership coordinators | We aim to bring our strategic GLAM partnerships to a form of long-term collaboration - which is best ensured by dedicating staff capacity on the part of the collaborating organisation - in the form of a collaborating vice-residents/ partnership coordinator. | 6 |
3.2. Core metrics (required)
Core metrics | Description | Target |
Number of participants | Educational programs: We are able to count unique participants for some of the programs - such as Seniors edit Wikipedia, but it is harder to cover when these participants take part in other activities at the same time (which is the desired result on the other hand), such as editathons. Therefore as the main metric we focus here on Participants in general. We measure all participants of all education activities within a calendar year (including repetitive participants - e.g. senior takes part in basic course, then he/she attends a course on Commons). We are particularly interested in new/ returning participants in Seniors write Wikipedia program. There we observe this phenomenon. Nowadays we are able to make qualified estimations on the number of new/returning participants, but not serve with exact data. Who are the participant groups in Educational programs? Seniors - elderly people, with a slightly more female participants, this is still a very good result since one of the diversity groups we identify, besides women, is actually eldely male - they are tempted to participate in community activities, courses, and lifelong learning offer much less in general. librarians - interested in educational activity offer in their library, running courses for seniors, but also in Wikidata and other cooperations. University students - across different fields of study University teachers -across different fields of study high school and secondary school (VET) students - often non-editing activities high school and secondary school (VET) teachers - often non-editing activities general public - wide, hard-to-define, but in some percentage the general public is participating community members How/ in what they participate? courses - online/offline lectures - online/offline thematic workshops - online/offline thematic editatons - tailor-made activities, senior WikiTown Alumni club, trainers/lecturers meetings and Meet-ups, celebration (Christmas Potluck or New Year's Eve Potluck with seniors from our courses) in activities we co-organise, co-participate in with our own program track/lecture/workshop, such as (un)conferences, hackathons, etc. yearly goal:650 Programs for Community: We divide participants according to a way of contribution and their proficiency. In the community program the main target group consists of participants in regard to Wikipedia - newcomers and participants with whom we have a long term collaboration, all editing articles. For them we organize editathons and training, within a year we have 4 constant events, however we usually team up with other organizations and develop 2-3 more in collaboration with other agents. Second group of participants can be divided into community members and trainers. This group is shared with the EDU program, as this program is the most developed and has regular events. Thirdly WMCR runs programs for photographers (most of them are also Wikipedians and furthermore they engaged in WMCommons project). We run activities aiming for two projects: WMCommons and Wikidata. in this program we would like to learn more about WMCommons users and how to bring a larger number as participants, in line with what factors develop the existing projects. We are interested in people from different backgrounds, who would like to learn how to write/upload and edit content in a longer perspective. As participants we also perceive people working in partners organizations, who are actively engaged in our activities - through PR and communication, sharing resources or becoming editors. yearly goal:400 Programs for Partnerships: In the Programs for Partnerships, there are GLAM institutions with which we cooperate the most - in the terms of sharing their content - mostly data or media files (GLAM - 10 planned partners or Wikidata/Tech Program - 5 planned partners). In some institutions we cooperate with wiki-rezident - we plan 9 for the next year. That means 24 participants. Among other things, we are planning common activities with the most active partners - for next year we are planning at least 2 thematic editathons directly in the institutions, with a planned participation of at least 10 people. We also include partners who are not directly involved in sharing content, but work together to promote free culture or other PR of our programs. These are, for example, SIBMAS (Association of Theater Institutions), UHS (Association of Art Scientists, Art Historians and Art Lovers) and others. The last participant we consider is our partner Otevřené sbírky (Open Collection). It is a non-profit organization that annually measures the number of media files (digitized collection items) that museums and galleries in the Czech Republic have managed to publish to the public and share their results with us. yearly goal:37 | 1087 |
Number of editors | Educational programs: We are collecting information on how many editors we have throughout our activities (some editing, some semi-editing, and some non-editing based activities with EDU programs). We are as well collecting data on newly registered editors (mostly via Dashboard) - that gives us an opportunity to report on how educational programs contribute to editors community growth, newcomers constant flow, diversity of the editors community etc. Newly registered editors are typically little above ⅓ of editors involved in educational programs per year. yearly goal: 450 editors/ 220 newly registered editors Programs for Community: We reach a wide audience through editathons, editing contests and community lead events, which stands for participants editing on Wikipedia. In order to track activity, we mainly use Dashboard to learn about editathons participants. We also make use of tools for more experienced users such as Hashtag or Fountain, those are being involved in organization of editing competitions. We also use various (internal and external) communication channels with participants to follow up and learn if they continue editing as well as to measure the overall satisfaction of participating in our programs. We would like to gain more experience in ensuring further editions and returning editors to participate in regular activities. Tools such as Fountain are also being used in community-led activities, which rely on the same structure as our programs. We aim for learning people to become independent editors as well as also to encourage those, who already edit to be involved in chapter’s activities. yearly goal:200 editors / 50% of newly registered editors Programs for Partnerships: Within the program area, the metrics of Editors and Organizers usually overlap. Our editors are often residents of GLAM institutions, who are in charge of not only Wiki-residencies and Content Partnerships, but also the coordination of cooperation with the institution itself. For us, the new editors are representatives of institutions who have become coordinators of cooperation and for these reasons have also been trained in Wikipedia or Wikidata. But we also have GLAM editathons in cooperating institutions, and we expect a larger number of involved editors, both new and existing. Together, we count on 24 residents and coordinators within the Content Partnership and Wikidata Partnership and 10 participants in the specialized GLAM editathon, ie. with 34 editors. yearly goal: 34 | 684 |
Number of organizers | Educational programs: Yearly we involve following stakeholders as organisers of educational activities. Their involvement is essential to our success. EDU team - 3 people Pool of lecturers/trainers - external cooperators of Wikimedia - approx. 15 active people from all around the country each year. Teachers (Students write Wikipedia) 10 Schools - 5 Librarians - 4 volunteers (Alumni from Senior program and volunteering lecturers) - 6 partners such as MAS (Local Action Group - cross-sectoral platform at local level) or teacher further education centres - 3 Wikipedians volunteering for Wikiclubs and Wiki-forum - usually there is overal with our lecturers team - 3 Instead of retention of organisers we are interested in the number of new organisers each year. We aim to gain 3 new organisers per year. Not yet an effective tool for measuring this besides observation of data collected. yearly goal: 49/ 3 new organisers Programs for Community: We work closely with the WMCZ Edu team regarding the trainers, who are mainly engaged in this program. For each editathon organized we cover the substantive part, thanks to support from main trainers and prospective co-trainers (usually 1-2 per event). The most developed event, WikiGap challenge, requires more support as we organize more than one editathon within the campaign. We are aspiring to have at least one active member of the community, who can be responsible for the activity and is able to take over the role of a main trainer. We strongly encourage active community members to become organizers of activities - over the year there are usually 3-4 independently organized events for a smaller group of Wikipedians. We make an effort to give a space and background for at least one editing contest organized by volunteers. Furthermore we work closely with partners, such as US Embassy or Veolia employees, who are willing to develop activities together with WMCZ and take responsibility as co-organizers. We would definitely welcome more mentors within our photographic projects, who could develop a program of events for the photographic community. WikiGap 5-7, LGBT/Climate/CS 48-89 2-3 trainers/event, NGO workshop 1 Popis pamatku 1, WikiExpedition 1, WikiTown 1, geographical editathon 1, partners 1-3 Programs for Partnerships: For us, the organizers are residents in institutions, coordinators of connecting databases with Wikidata and independent GLAM organizers. For example: for the Museum of Eastern Bohemia in Hradec Králové (content partnership) Lukáš Nekolný - wiki-resident, Kristýna Staňková - museum employee and coordinator for Wikimedia partnership, for the Regional Museum Mikulov (content partnership) user: Mikurobu - editor and coordinator and employee of the museum, for the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences (Wikidata partnership) Markéta Marková - editor, coordinator and employee of the Institute of History, for ZOO Prague (content partnership) Petra Petáková ZOO employee and coordinator of two wiki-editors and employees of ZOO Prague, for State Regional Archive (content partnership) Vladěna Nývltová - coordinator and head of the volunteer group in the State Regional Archive, currently on maternity leave, for the Municipal Library in Prague (content partnership) Dita Lánská - head of the theater and film department in the Municipal Library and also the coordinator of Wikimedia partnership, for the database Czech artists Abart (Wikidata partnership) Jiří Hůla - coordinator for the institution, for the National Library in Prague (Wikidata partnership) Petra Šťastná - coordinator for the institution, for the National Film Archive (Wikidata partnership) Ladislav Čupr - coordinator end editor for the institution, for the Institute of Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Wikidata Partnership) Vojtěch Jelínek - coordinator and editor for the institution. We expect the number to increase to about 18 by next year. yearly goal:18 | 90 |
Wikimedia Project | Description | Target |
Wikipedia | Educational programs: Most of the content edited via educational programs we receive from Seniors write Wikipedia program - per head our seniors are usually productive, especially when they continue with advanced courses and other activities. When it comes to Programs for schools, part of the activities are primary non-editing and therefore the numbers are much lower. Editors are seniors, librarians, university and highschool teachers and students, in some amount as well leisure time pedagogs, NGO workers. When it comes to additional metric “articles created” - we are able to monitor this metric, but not measure effectively. So far we were in search of a general solution. Therefore we set a less optimistic goal which can be adjusted according to future monitoring. yearly goal: 1800 articles edited/ 180 articles created Programs for Community: During the year we have established a plan of diverse and growing number of activities, which attract different groups of editors in order to improve or add the content to Wikipedia (mainly in Czech but also in other languages). Within this project we focus on registered users, who create edited articles, in specific cases, we also follow how much the content was edited and we check the quality of created texts. We seek ways to grow responsibility for the outcome within the community.We would like to keep our activities as much open and accessible to the public as possible. yearly goal: 1400 Programs for Partnerships: In the Partnership program, we deal with the editing of Wikipedia and Wikidata, as well as Content Partnership. However, editing Wikipedia is usually the first thing they start working with. Our wiki-residents usually start correcting the main Wikipedia page of the institution and, after communicating with the curators of the GLAM institution, also correct and create articles that are missing or insufficient on wikipedia. We currently have 161 edited articles, of which 46 are newly created. Due to the planned editing rules, we expect that next year it will be around 300 articles, of which 80 are newly created. yearly goal:300/80 newly created articles | 3500 |
Wikimedia Commons | Educational programs: By default, we measure Commons via the Dashboard. We can rely on the Dashboard metrics on Commons only for newcomers, for the rest we need a template or another procedure for measuring this. It depends on whether there will be Commons courses or a Senior Wikitown and to what extent we will implement it. This can have a significant effect on metrics. 2021 was for education programmes first year where we introduced specific courses (mainly for seniors) oriented on Commons and developed a few other support tools, such as guide for uploading files to commons. We have few university and highschool teachers who use Commons in their classes on an irregular basis. Majority of the uploads in Education happen through Seniors write Wikipedia programme. yearly goal:1300 Programs for Community: In community programs we have 2 projects focusing on WikiCommons - Czech Wiki Photo contest, which was initiated in 2019 and is dedicated mainly for new users and Mediagrant, which focuses on experienced Wikiphotographers and serves to complete Wikipedia content.We would like to measure both new registrations and uploads and check To follow uploads and check on users and members activities within WikiCommons, we use several tools: . Uploaders in cat to understand number of active uploaders and files uploaded within Forime Cesko project Glamurous petscan is being used to measure the precise number of pictures uploaded according to years and Wikimedia projects we analyse data directly in WikiCommons yearly goal:1700 Furthermore for the Czech Wiki Photo contest purposes we are developing a specific tool allowing public voting as the number of added pictures is continuously growing. Programs for Partnerships: We are interested in the number of newly uploaded media files. So far, 38 test media files have been uploaded. After training our Organizers at Pattypan, we expect a more powerful upload with about 1000 media files uploaded. yearly goal:1000 | 4000 |
Wikidata | Educational programs: The way we currently work with Wikidata in edu is as follows; we introduce complete newcomers to touch wikidata items. We are able to monitor it through the Dashboard only and selectively at some courses. Hence the numbers we usually reach. We haven't focused on wikidata yet, rather marginally. Newly in advanced courses for seniors and selected courses, we are experimenting with how to enter wikidata items, etc. If we get one or two participants interested, it can significantly change the resulting number for given year. yearly goal:100 Programs for Community: Fotime Cesko (We Photograph Czechia) is a main, continuous activity dedicated to experienced Wikiphotographers. It serves mainly to fill so called blank spaces in Wikimedia projects, it is developed to keep the updates in relation to the current situation in Czech republic (architecture, streets, etc.). Tools used to measure the uploaded files were described in the previous point. yearly goal: 4500 Programs for Partnerships: We see Wikidata partnerships in linking databases or better external identifiers with Wikidata items. As part of these collaborations, we measure the number of links. We anticipate that there will be at least 300,000 links next year, due to the increasing number of cooperating institutions. yearly goal:300.000 links between external identifiers and Wikidata items | 304600 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
3.4. If you are introducing new metrics related to a major change in your budget or programmatic plans, please describe them below. (optional)
Additional information for Year 2
4.2. If there are additional links, files, or information you would like to share related to Year 2 planning, please add them here. (optional)
[edit]- Please add any feedback to the grant discussion page only. Any feedback added here will be removed.
- Wikimedia Community Fund/Proposals
- Wikimedia Community Fund/Proposals/Completed
- Completed General Support Funds for CEECA in FY 2021-22
- Completed General Support Funds for CEECA in FY 2021-22 (Round 1)
- General Support Funds for CEECA in FY 2021-22 (Round 1)
- General Support Funds in FY 2021-22 (Round 1)
- Completed Multi-year General Support Funds