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Learning and Evaluation/Question Bank/Demographics

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Learning and Evaluation

Survey goal
Demographic Attributes

Participant's username

What is your username?


Location of origin:Region country state province city

Which country are you based in?

Drop-down with "Other"

Affiliation or relationship with projects

What institution are/were you based at?


Are you an employee of [name of organization/group]

  • Yes
  • No
  • Decline to state

(Wikimedian in Residence only)
Tell us about your residency format, was it:

  • Part-time
  • Full-time
  • Decline to state

Scholarship status

Was your application to [Scholarship program name] accepted?

Yes, I received the scholarship
No, my application was unsuccessful

Length of Wikimedia involvement

How long have you been participating in the Wikimedia movement?

(We suggest noting the maximum number of years possible as based on valid count of years back to 2001. For instance in 2014 the maximum years of participation was 13)

Past program experience

How many [event name] have you attended so far? (select all that apply)

[Listing of all previous events]

Which [event name]'s have you received a scholarship to attend?

[Listing of all previous scholarship events]
I never received a scholarship.

Wikimedia project affiliation

Which Wikimedia projects are you active in?

  • Wikipedia
  • Wikisource
  • Wikiquote
  • Wikibooks
  • Wiktionary
  • Wikinews
  • Wikiversity
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • Wikispecies
  • Wikivoyage
  • Wikidata
  • Other : ______
  • I'm not currently active on any Wikimedia projects.


What is your age range?

  • 10-15
  • 16-20
  • 21-25
  • 26-30
  • 31-35
  • 36-40
  • 41-45
  • 46-50
  • 51-55
  • 56-60
  • 61-65
  • 65-70
  • More than 70 years
  • Prefer not to say

Education level

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

  • No schooling completed
  • Elementary school
  • Junior high school
  • High school graduate
  • Some college credit, no degree
  • Trade/technical/vocational training
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Master’s degree
  • Professional degree
  • Doctorate degree


What is your current work status?

  • Employed for wages
  • Self-employed
  • Out of work and looking for work
  • Out of work, but not currently looking for work
  • A homemaker
  • A student
  • Military
  • Retired
  • Unable to work