Grants:APG/Proposals/2017-2018 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina/Proposal form/Brief 2018 projects' description
Education Program
[edit]What are our projects for 2018?
Remote learning: Wikipuentes
[edit]We develop two online training courses for educators, of a 5-week duration each, to address the use of Wikipedia in the classroom and encourage the educators’ ability to edit in the classroom and in their educational projects. These courses are aimed at educators and university students with the objective of generating exchange on the use of the Wikimedia projects in the school syllabus. The focal point is the editing tool as the main element to tackle Wikipedia content and add it to their educational activities. The final objective of these dynamics is the production of projects by the educators, so they can practice looking up and editing Wikipedia during their classroom activities with their students. These online experiences are carried out on our online campus, designed with the goal of consolidating the region’s own online spaces within the community.
- To have 2 editions of the virtual course “Wikipuentes” for teachers across the country.
The "Editing Clubs" are a proposal to work locally with teachers and students. The project is carried out from three instances: 1) Training of teachers, 2) Research on local heritage led by teachers in their subjects, implementing with students the use of Wikimedia Projects and 3) Development of an editatón in which the students upload the content investigated to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons with the support of the education team of Wikimedia Argentina. The project is carried out in one month and allows us to be present in different regions of our country and to be able to follow up the teaching activities in their specific contexts.
- To coordinate with the Ministries of Education at province level to position 3 editing clubs in the North, centre and South regions in the country.
In the "Wikipedia at the university" project, we conduct virtual and face-to-face trainings with higher education teachers. From the education program we train teachers and advise on how to design a pedagogical activity that includes the use of Wikipedia in their classrooms. The trainings are carried out in person and the activities are monitored through virtual meetings with the teachers.
- To articulate Wikipedia in the classroom in at least 10 new higher education spaces nationally.
To build a network of teachers, ambassadors of WMAR educational program at a national level.
- To organize 2 face to face meetings to train influencers.
- To launch at least 10 educational projects nationally.
- To make at least 20 follow-up and support sessions with trained teachers.
- To design pedagogic resources that accompany the implementation of Wikimedia projects in the classroom.
Continue consolidating the "Wikilesa" project at national level with institutions and researchers referring to Human Rights and Crimes Against Humanity to strengthen the community of editors related to the topic.
- Conduct 3 Wikilesa meetings in Argentina with institutions related to Human Rights.
Regional Cooperation
[edit]Iberocoop and Education
[edit]To scale Wikilesa project (Wiki & Rights) and Wikipuentes at a regional level.
Wikipuentes regionally
- To scale Wikipuentes with Wikimedia Mexico and Wikimedia Chile.
- To mentor and carry out 6 training courses with Chilean and Mexican teams.
- To develop pedagogic resources to go with the virtual activities in every country.
Thematic community (Wiki & Rights)
[edit]Project adapted from Wikilesa whose objective is to edit articles on current Human Rights violations in Latin America, with Wikimedia Uruguay, Mexico, Chile, Venezuela.
- 6 (Wiki & Rights) meetings in Venezuela, Chile, México, Uruguay and Argentina.
- To create 6 new counterparts in human rights and universities regionally.
- To mentor the proposal locally giving 6 training courses.
- To develop the necessary pedagogic resources to go with Wikilesa in every country.
Emerging community: Paraguay
[edit]Develop onsite trainings and promote one Wikipuentes online course to start positioning an education program in Paraguay. To this end, we will strengthen the current alliance with Paraguay Educa, the Ministry of Education.
- To give 2 training courses to teachers in Paraguay.
- To develop a 1 virtual course “Wikipuentes”
- To develop the necessary pedagogic resources to start implementing an Education Program in Paraguay.
Culture & Open Knowledge
[edit]What are our projects for 2018?
[edit]Digitizing project
For two years we have worked with a WIR whose main task is to coordinate the digitization project. His role is to train the technical teams of the three cultural institutions and to digitalize the local heritage themselves. In turn coordinates the rise of those materials and positions them in Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and Wikisource.
- Through the WiR, we will continue working with the Argentine Academy of Letters, the National Museum of Fine Arts, the Library of the Legislature of Buenos Aires Province.
- Add at least one new cultural counterpart to the digitization project focused on freeing Argentine local heritage and culture.
- To position the granted material in strategic spaces to facilitate its re-usage by editors and society.
Share Data
[edit]To train and strengthen our work with institutions such as the National Library, CONICET, Buenos Aires Data and FOSS communities as OpenStreetMap. Our involvement with these communities promote the work around Wikidata.
- Release data set of nationals institutions and create items and improve elements in Wikidata.
Public and popular agenda
We will work to join as new partners local interest groups, - journalists, NGOs, activist groups, LGBT movements etc - with whom to promote new projects that imply creating relevant content of the local public agenda. This will reveal what are the knowledge gaps in Wikipedia and the different projects for these groups from their expertise to complete the content.
- To make surveys within our community to collect current themes of interest in the public agenda
- To work with new thematic organizations or interest groups (journalists, activists, NGOs, science institutes, women’s groups, international organizations, etc.) and organize 4 new offline editing projects to create content about themes in the public agenda.
[edit]We will continue to design and drive regional and global campaigns involving assets and new publishers to develop diverse and plural content. In this way we will carry out campaigns beyond Wikipedia in Spanish and we will link with other Wikipedias and with other projects such as Wikisource and Wikidata.
- Promote La Mujer que Nunca Conociste globally.
- Work with theme communities like OpenHouse to generate specific content within Wikimedia projects.
- Carry out the #1lib1ref regionally.
- Launch at least one challenge where we position the Latin American culture in other Wikipedias.
Open knowledge for the culture
[edit]We will train and support the institutionalization of free culture in new cultural and governmental spaces to release, generate and add new locally relevant content. we will try to incorporate the free culture within the institutions.
- To train 10 cultural institutions or government offices about the introduction of free culture.
- To accompany and support the institutionalization of free culture in new cultural spaces.
- To create a digital manual of learnings to be shared regionally: how to apply free culture in new cultural communities, how to work with them, how to involve their heritage as content within the movement etc
[edit]OpenGlam Network
The first national OpenGlam network of Argentina will be organized that will involve leaders of cultural institutions and will be presented as ambassadors of the program. Wikimedia Argentina will accompany the growth of these referents and their growth as referents in FOSS within their work spaces will also generate spaces for meeting and debate on OpenGlam in Argentina.
- To form the first open glam in Argentina and involve at least 8 cultural leaders from 5 institutions and train them as Open Glam ambassadors and trainers.
- To design at least 3 guides about processes and policies to introduce open culture in cultural institutions.
- To organize 5 meet-ups for the network in order to organize the work team, answer queries, define possible projects, etc.
- To involve our community of librarians
Mind the gaps
[edit]In order to reach cultural referents from different parts of the country, online proposals will be designed and implemented that will address the issues of open data, fack checking, gender and diversity and how they link to Wikimedia projects. To achieve more arrival we will generate strategic alliances with organizations that are in sync with the values and objectives of Wikimedia Argentina.
- Through WMAR’s online platform, we will implement 2 new projects related to cultural training.
Regional cooperation
[edit]Regional Advocacy network
[edit]Together with Wikimedia Chile, Wikimedia México and Wikimedia Uruguay, we will create a regional network of analysis, monitoring and advocacy on public policies related to copyright, free licenses and open knowledge.
- Constitute a regional network at least with Wikimedia Chile, Wikimedia Mexico, and Wikimedia Argentina responsible for involving stakeholders and key counterparts in local contexts.
- To survey public policies connected to copyright and free licenses so as to carry out a regional diagnosis. To this effect, we will make 2 regional campaigns for promotion and political influence over copyright at a regional level and we will form a network for the analysis and follow-up of public policies.
Community building
[edit]Thematic communities:
The project "Editors of the Round-Table" aims to generate co-working spaces for small groups. For this we will promote thematic communities according to the interests of the editors to help each other in the development of new projects. Our objetive for 2018 is to continue, from this perspective, building new communities and strengthening the existing ones. We will develop new thematics communities to edit with purpose, taking care of the interests of our volunteers.
- To create 3 new thematic communities within WMAR.
- To continue supporting the initiatives from the photographers’ and gender communities.
- To accompany the communities’ projects by means of bimonthly follow-up meetings.
- To foster 5 thematic projects.
- To design materials to be used by the thematic communities.
[edit]Mentoring program
[edit]"From Us to You" is a mentoring project within the Wikimedia Argentina community, which aims to strengthen and expand the community by building a healthy community that feels committed to its members. For this we will create spaces where our older members transfer their expertise, accompany the design and implementation of projects proposed by new members and create bonds with new users so as to integrate them to our community.
Activities 2018
- 2 calls for project presentations. To call and select mentors.
- Design, follow-up and mentor 10 projects driven by the community.
- To design follow-up systems for pairs (mentor-volunteer) from WMAR.
- To promote 6 follow-up meetings and 4 skill-transfer workshops between mentors and mentees from WMAR
- To create a manual on how to organize a mentoring program within the Wikimedia community.
Granting program
[edit]Support financially the projects of our community as well as their participation in our activities.
Activities 2018
- To position our volunteers in 10 strategic spaces at national level.
- Support financially 10 projects driven by our community
- At least 25 micro-grants for our activities.
Community meet-ups
[edit]A healthy community is also a diverse community, and in Argentina's case, it is a community that integrates both Wikimedists and non-Wikimedists. Our challenge is to integrate our partners with those who are active editors. To do this we will work identifying groups with new profiles to integrate them into our community, and we will promote the development of work spaces to address content gaps. Activities:
- To define new participation spaces within WMAR where to incorporate new profiles as an active part of our community.
- To open new channels of communication and encounters to get new volunteers involved by holding 16 offline meetings (1 bimonthly space for editing).
- At least 25 micro-grants for our activities.
Regional Cooperation
Regional communities
We will continue working to develop activities that aim at building communities at the regional level. We will work to built up a network of regional support to small groups and to identify and endorse new emerging communities.
- To identify 2 new regional communities and help to launch 2 projects, and support them financially when necessary.
- To design support material for the creation of new communities about: a) how to foster new communities, b) community strengthening; c) how to build healthy, diverse and inclusive communities.
- to create support and follow-up spaces within the community, coordinated with Ibercoop.
Global communities
[edit]The movement is discussing its 2030 strategy and is fundamental to us to support and contribute to the debate, to participate in the meeting spaces at global level. For this reason, we will continue collaborating in meetings at the global level to support and discuss initiatives to expand the movement, and generate new guidelines for the future.
- To represent WMAR in Wikimedia Conference, Wikimania, etc and to support the organization in at least 3 spaces, mainly about education and gender.
- To coordinate and support the building of an Education community and a gender community within the movement.
- To design resources, help define work plans and spaces for communication, share learning etc.
- To support technically and financially, whenever necessary, the creation of groups related to these lines of work.