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Funds Dissemination Committee Advisory Group

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Funds Dissemination Committee Advisory Group
FormationMeeting 1Meeting 2Meeting 3

The Funds Dissemination Committee will be supported by an Advisory Group. The advisory group is supporting the formation of the FDC and its first steps, and will follow the FDC work for the first year or so of its existence. This group is not the FDC itself; see its purposes below.



The purpose of the Advisory Group will be to:

  1. Guide the development of recommendations for the WMF Board of Trustees in the design of the funds dissemination committee and process with support and facilitation by The Bridgespan Group (April – June 2012)
  2. Support the implementation of the new funds dissemination committee and process (roughly July - October 2012)
  3. Provide guidance and feedback during its early progress, as needed, helping to refine the committee's process (roughly October 2012 - December 2013)

See the Formation sub-page for details on how the FDC Advisory Group was selected.





Pre-resolution recommendations about Advisory group


An advisory group would help oversee and review the pilot, and report to the Board on its progress. An initial proposal for its structure, from the recommendation and its discussion:

To help the Board oversee the development of the FDC, including assessing its progress at key stages, the Board will create an advisory group, which will be constituted as follows:

  • It will consist of 2-3 members of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, its Executive Director, and 2-3 key stakeholders selected by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, with the advice of the Wikimedia community;
  • It will be responsible to the Board of Trustees for overseeing the work of getting the FDC up-and-running, evaluating it while it’s in pilot mode, and recommending improvements to the Board based upon its evaluation. It will not have decision-making authority, except as delegated by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees;
  • It is a temporary body, which will likely be dissolved by the Board in the winter of 2014. The goal will be to dissolve it once the FDC’s first full year of existence has been completed and evaluated;

Following dissolution of the advisory group, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees will determine whether or not to continue the FDC. The staff lead for the development of the FDC, and the key liaison with the advisory group, will be the Wikimedia Foundation’s Chief Global Development Officer.

  • The CGDO will be supported in his work by Bridgespan, the consulting firm that supported Wikimedia in developing its 2010-15 strategy plan;
  • The CGDO will submit to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees in June 2012 a preliminary plan containing i) a description of how the FDC will function in its final state, and ii) a preliminary transition plan for rolling it out, including partial rollout in 2012-13 and full rollout for 2013-14, and a process for evaluating, reviewing and making refinements at several key stages. Following Board feedback, the preliminary plan will be finalized and execution will begin in the fall of 2012.