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Inter-wiki image display

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
(Redirected from Duplicated images)
This is an old discussion, which has been effectively dealt with in the WikiMedia Commons implementation. -SV 01:07, 23 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Problem statement[edit]

WikiImages.org/Archive has the original problem statement.

There is a problem about superfluous use of disk space, caused by duplicated images: images across language pages, and various other sub-projects of wikimedia.

In addition to this disk space problem, there is an administration burden, of having to deal with many copies of the images. (copyright, etc)

WikiImages.org/Archive is one possible solution to this problem, and another, possibly simpler way of dealing with this problem is to enable a syntax to grab an image from another wikimedia server.


this requires a change in MediaWiki code.

Problems with this solution[edit]

A consumer might have to deal with 5 different servers, instead of just one, or two with the WikiImages.org solution.