Community Insights/Audiences

[edit]Defining the communities for this survey. The audiences for CE Insights were determined through a series of interviews that were held with staff at the WMF. The audiences listed below were the main groupings of people for whom the WMF build programs, products, services, and support.
[edit]Contributors are those who contribute content and well as help to curate information on any Wikimedia project. The projects that we are most interested in are the top Wikipedia languages, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata, but we also sample contributors from all the other projects. Typically this survey targets those users who have at least 5 edits per month, otherwise known as "active editors". [1]
Affiliates/Program leaders
[edit]Wikimedia affiliates are chapters, thematic organizations and user groups that are formally affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation.[2] Chapters and Thematic organizations are more formalized institutions that typically have official recognition both with the Wikimedia Foundation and their geographic location. They are comprised of a board, members, and sometimes full time staff. The second aspect of this group are program leaders - individuals or groups who engage in outreach programs.[3] Program leaders and affiliates typically share similar goals of carrying out projects to increase content and participation in wikimedia.
Technical contributors
[edit]Technical contributors support the Wikimedia movement by developing tools and supporting the development of new software products for Wikimedia projects. Tech contributors include anyone who tests new products or reports a software bug, to those who write software for tool labs or Mediawiki core. This is a relatively new audience where little information is known. The information we do know come from the hackathon surveys[4] and from the tool labs surveys[5]
External partners
[edit]External partners are organizations or individuals tied to organizations who partner with the Wikimedia Foundation to carry out a project. This includes organizations working in information and communications technology, universities and researchers affiliated with those universities, and other organizations that may partner directly with the Wikimedia Foundation in different ways.
[edit]- ↑ Engagement metrics,
- ↑ Wikimedia movement affiliates,
- ↑ Program Evaluation introduction,
- ↑
- ↑ Tool labs surveys,