Launch of Afripédia with the signature of the agreement 15/06/2012.Afripédia hardware and toolkit: wireless router, plug computer, and USB key.Training session in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 07/11/2012..
Training in Bamako, Mali, 01/12/2012.Training in Niamey, Niger, 07/01/2013.Training session in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 25/06/2013.
The Afripedia project has the dual objective of increasing the off-line dissemination of Wikipedia across central and western Africa and of training African Wikipedians to contributing — especially in universities. It is naturally developing in French and it interested the whole French-speaking group, who may support it.
The project is a partnership of Wikimédia France with the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (Association of Universities of the Francophonie – AUF) and the Institut français (IF). It will start in about 20 universities in 15 countries in West Africa.
Access to Wikipedia offline provided by Afripedia.
(French) Béatrice Michel, Afripédia: premier Bilan in enssib école nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques, 12/03/2013.
(Italian) New about Afripedia on Networking Africa: A collection of stories about science, tech & ict people in the African continent curated by Donata Columbro, April 2013.
(French) [Afripedia : un partenariat avec l'Agence universitaire de la francophonie et l'Institut français pour développer Wikipédia en Afrique Presentation of the project Afripédia on Wikimédia France website]