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Adiutor/Adapt to the local wiki/Localization documentation/Gadget-Adiutor-AIV.json

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


This JSON file contains configuration data for the Adiutor tool's Administrator Intervention against Vandalism (AIV) process on your wiki. These settings allow you to customize the AIV reporting templates, rationales, and notifications to effectively report and address vandalism.


  • reportRationales: This section defines various rationales for reporting users to AIV. Each rationale includes data, value, related category, selected status, and label.
  • noticeBoardTitle: Specifies the title of the noticeboard where AIV reports are made.
  • addNewSection: Indicates whether to add a new section for each report (true or false).
  • sectionTitle: Sets the title format for sections. It includes a placeholder for $1 (username).
  • sectionID: Indicates whether to use a section ID (true or false).
  • appendText: Specifies whether to append text to the section (true) or prepend text (false).
  • prependText: Specifies whether to prepend text to the section (true) or append text (false).
  • spiNoticeBoard: Specifies the noticeboard for requesting checkuser.
  • spiNoticeBoardCase: Specifies the subpage for checkuser case requests.
  • spiApiPostSummary: Summary text for creating a checkuser case. It includes a placeholder for $1 (username).
  • spiApiPostCaseSummary: Summary text for adding a case to the checkuser subpage. It includes a placeholder for $1 (case name).
  • rationaleText: Sets the text for rationales. It includes placeholders for $1 (username), $2 (rationale), and $3 (formatted sockpuppets list).
  • contentPattern: Defines the content pattern for the AIV report. It includes placeholders for $1 (username) and $2 (rationale).
  • sockpuppetTemplate: Specifies the template used for reporting sockpuppeteers.
  • sockpuppeteerContentPattern: Defines the content pattern for reporting sockpuppeteers. It includes placeholders for $1 (username), $3 (sockpuppeteer), and $5 (evidence).
  • sockpuppetContentPattern: Defines the content pattern for reporting sockpuppets. It includes placeholders for $1 (username), $3 (sockpuppeteer), and $5 (evidence).
  • userPagePrefix: Prefix for user pages.
  • userTalkPagePrefix: Prefix for user talk pages.
  • specialContributions: Link to the special contributions page.
  • apiPostSummary: Summary text for reporting a user to AIV.


You can utilize the parameters within this file, which include:
  • $1: username
  • $2: rationale
  • $3: formatted sockpuppets list
  • $4: sockpuppeteer
  • $5: evidence


This file allows you to customize and manage the Administrator Intervention against Vandalism (AIV) process on your wiki using the Adiutor tool, tailoring it to your specific reporting criteria and workflow.
Please feel free to refer to this documentation when configuring the "Gadget-Adiutor-AIV.json" file on your wiki. If you have any further questions or need assistance with specific settings, don't hesitate to ask.